View Full Version : Gut Loading Crickets

05-05-04, 10:23 PM
I own a golden gecko and white striped gecko. I feed them crickets now but with nothing in them. I was wondering how to gut load them or whatever I need to do that will be good for them.

05-05-04, 10:25 PM
run a search in this forum and type gutload, you'll find tons of info. Good luck :D

05-05-04, 11:10 PM
feed the crickets a good cricket food or else veggies, etc

get some cricket feed at the pet store...that's what I use, it's good enough

I throw occasional old veggies in there too...and potato slices...good for moisture

05-06-04, 07:25 AM
Here ya go :) http://www.drgecko.com/gutload.htm