View Full Version : Dirty

05-05-04, 10:01 PM
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/22more_porn.jpg">

So they are still going at it. Definitely the most graphic display I've seen out of them so far :p Female still looks a lil plump, nothing huge, but hasn't eaten since January. I don't know what to expect out of this pairing, but I wish I would find out soon so I could get a lil of the wondering out of the way!

05-05-04, 10:06 PM
Great pic!

Feeding that girl might push her over the edge to ovulate. Seems to be a real long time span without any follicular development and/or ovulation.

Best of luck. Those tails are awesome!@!!!!! :D

05-05-04, 10:13 PM
Believe me there isn't anything I would love more for her than to eat! Mr Poopypants hasn't refused a single meal since they've been going at it... she won't take a thing though. She took one 5lb bunny back in January and that was the end of it. Have been trying both rats and rabbits since with no such luck :rolleyes: She was never the best feeder before, but now it's definitely the last thing on her mind. It kinda looks like she might have something going on in there, but I'm not entirely sure what's happening...

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/22gravidmaybe.jpg">

05-05-04, 11:18 PM
That shot is just insane. I won't go any further.

I hope you have good luck on some babies Linds! They both look really good!


05-05-04, 11:52 PM
Yeah, let's all cross our fingers that babies are brewing or close to being brewed in that BIG belly!! :D

05-05-04, 11:58 PM
Linds I would look at the fact that she is still accepting copulations, as a very good sign.
She must be smelling ripe for him to be interested.
I think Jeff is right.. A good meal could have her ovulating, but it might just happen anyway.
If she suddenly looks like she swallowed a football int he next little while, you'll know for sure.

05-06-04, 04:20 AM
Great stuff Linds! No easy task you've got there. Keep up the good work!

05-06-04, 05:04 AM
That is awesome Linds, fingers crossed for you :)

I can't speak from as much experience as some others here, but I do have one little suggestion for you. Try offering her very small food items. It seems to me that cycling/gravid females realize they are running out of space inside them and will "stop" eating regular sized prey, but will take small rats and such. This was a theory I was working with based on others experiences and then put into action with my Hog this year, and it worked.

Anyway, here's hoping it all works out for you! :)


05-06-04, 05:14 PM
Now thats a dirty pic Linds;) She looks like she already has something in her.


05-06-04, 09:37 PM
good pic Linds....good luck with those two:)

05-07-04, 01:31 AM
I'd do as Jon K says. try the smaller meals shes allready knocked up or "thinks" she is and will be stressed and unwilling to tackle a large meal. I've found that most gravid boas go off feed for a time but most will go back to feeding . Smaller meals less often, every 2-3 weeks at most. Ive had boas feed right up to a day or so before giving birth.
Sometimes you might have to leave the dead food item in the cage just in front of her face for an hour or so.
offer her food (small meals) once a week,she probably wont take them all but it's worth a try.

05-07-04, 12:48 PM
Thanks for the advice and wishes :)

Yeah, as stated, I've tried offering her just about everything. I stopped offering her bunnies though because I don't want to ake any chances of a big meal squashing anything if there was anything to squash. I had since offered her everything from jumbo to medium rats with no success. She is a finicky feeder so I have always had to put a hide in her cage and leave the dead prey in front of it and leave the room for hours, or if at night, go to bed. I find she feeds best at about 5-6 am though, so that's typically when she gets offered.

I really do hope she does have something already in the works though, with the weather now, it is impossible to continue cycling :confused:

from my sister...
Ewwww Lindsay that's so gross. It's all pink and purple... it looks like a popsicle...

05-08-04, 12:38 AM
no need to drop temps down any more. If you cooled her down say from november(ish) till january(ish) she is cycled enough.
Give her a hot spot 90% or so and keep trying to feed her. She might not feed at all or start but it won't hurt to try.
Offer her half grown rats that seems to work on bigg boas.

05-10-04, 09:01 PM
Great pics!

Keep us update, she look quite big on the last pics for a snake that didn't eat since january!

05-11-04, 11:49 PM
Yeah since that pic was taken (several weks ago), she seems to have gotten a lil bigger still. So I guess things are looking promising!