View Full Version : Canadian Mata Mata

05-05-04, 02:00 PM
i was just wondering about owning mata mata turtles in ontario..ive herd they need permits and they cost alot.....but i get different comments...can someone give me a price range and tell me the laws pertaining to that species...

thnx in advance


05-05-04, 04:09 PM
well i dont know about the laws in canada, or the prices there. but in the US, at eevery show i go to there is this huuuuuuge mata mata for $150, which i think is very cheap for it.

05-05-04, 04:35 PM
adam-sorry i dont know any thing about the laws in canada either but hey, you can keep secrets can't you?

kid-is that the mata mata they always have at the havre de grace shows?

05-05-04, 04:54 PM
I dont think they're illegal.. Not native species. To my knowledge they are CITES 1 though....... Occasionally they're available up here (not saying from who though:) ) and they run for quite a few bucks.

05-05-04, 06:27 PM
Hello Adam, you do not need permits to keep Mata Mata's in Ontario. I have a friend who might have some for sale. He was selling one of his adults a couple of months ago for $800.00CDN, but I think that it sold. You can PM me if you are interested.
Take care, Johnny.

05-05-04, 07:28 PM
Matamata's are CITES appendix 2. However you will need a few permits to be able to import them into Canada. Do your research as they are a little trickier to keep than other species of turtle.


05-05-04, 09:15 PM
thnx alot...care is not a problem...i give all my time and devotion into making sure i keep animals alive...and 800 doesnt even sound like alot compared to wut ive been hearing...thnx alot for the info...and johnny...i dont have the cash yet..take me a few weeks..and i dont wanna waste ur time now..but wen it nears the time ill have the cash..im gonna call u..
thnx again adam

05-06-04, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Lrptls
adam-sorry i dont know any thing about the laws in canada either but hey, you can keep secrets can't you?

kid-is that the mata mata they always have at the havre de grace shows? um, havre de grace sounds familiar for some reason, but im not sure of it. ive seen it at the shows in Hamburg, PA and White Plains, NY.

05-06-04, 08:57 PM
ah, well, they have the havre de grace shows in maryland. but i wonder if the people who have it take it to all those other shows too. i haven't been to the havre de grace shows in a long time so i'm not sure if the one i'm talking about has even been going there (well...been taken there)

05-07-04, 08:55 AM
from what i hear mata mata's are pretty boring in captivity. I really wanted one until a friend got one. He was very dissappointed. They sure are pretty cool turtles though
