View Full Version : :( *sigh* noooo!

05-04-04, 08:30 PM
my guys lost, leafs, stupid philly..im so depressed...:(:(:(

Lets go CALGARY! :p:D

05-04-04, 08:40 PM
Yeah that was a real shocker, I seriously didn't see that coming.


05-04-04, 08:42 PM
well 2, 2 on 1's in a row..what the heck did they expect, eddy to inflate or something? im so mad!

05-04-04, 08:45 PM
I think you guys feel the same way I felt last night about the wings.

05-04-04, 08:47 PM

Just a shocker...

05-04-04, 08:59 PM
Leafs didnt seem to want this series. They better smarten up....they place for one of the most famed franchises and they should maybe think about playing 60 mins for once instead of 20.
Now all I can do is cheer for the Flames...Canadian content all the way.

05-04-04, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by ilia
I think you guys feel the same way I felt last night about the wings.

Hell no! Good riddens!

05-04-04, 09:11 PM
I agree, we felt the same as you but i didnt watch cujo to get crap after he left the leafs...i hate him now lol...and i want a canadian team to take the cup!

05-05-04, 12:56 PM
Looks like its upto the FLAMES folks. Wings for a starter & now its onto "seafood" for the next course LOL Mark