View Full Version : stick swinging incident in the AHL

05-04-04, 08:33 AM
yea i know this is a few days old now but i thought id let everyone absorb it.

the bulldog player needs to be suspended for sure as what he did was just plain wrong, but on the other hand the guy who got the stick to the face also should be suspended for a good long time as he swung first and fortunately for him missed decapitating the bulldog player.

if the police decide to charge 1 they both oughta be charged in my eyes, it was tough to tell from the few times ive seen it but it looks like the player who got hit , when he swung it went off the guys head not 100% sure on that but for every action there is an equal reaction.

lets hear what you all have to say on this , i was hoping that they would of talked about it on coaches corner and said both sides and not just the end result.

05-04-04, 09:27 AM
i have no idea what you're talking about incident wise.

but as for assaults in sports, the only time it should be acceptable is if the two players square off before going at it. If you don't have the consent and intent of both, then it's criminal assault.

If both players are consenting, and have a go at each other, then it's up to the league to decide if they want to punish players for "dueling".

05-04-04, 10:25 AM
Cruciform, consider yourself lucky that you haven't seen it..... It is a disturbing image. I can't shake the vision of Stafford twitching and convulsing on the ice after his third degree concussion. However, I agree that whatever the punishment is, it should be extended to Stafford as well - as he initiated it. They both swung sticks at each other's heads, just because one came off far worse does not warrant a one-sided punishment and Stafford is not a victim - he's an equally guilty party.

05-04-04, 11:10 AM
I would like to see a video clip, does anyone have one?

05-04-04, 11:23 AM
DICLAIMER.. If you have a weak stomach or can't handle violence.. Please, don't look at this video..


05-04-04, 11:25 AM
can't load movie, anyone else?

05-04-04, 11:31 AM
neither can I :(

05-04-04, 11:43 AM
Sorry about that, they killed that link already, i assure you, this works, as i just watched it :D


05-04-04, 12:03 PM
Wow that was brutal. Thanks for the link Matt.

05-04-04, 12:36 PM
that's crazy, thanks for the link ...

05-04-04, 02:37 PM
thanks, man

05-04-04, 02:41 PM
absolutely ridiculous

05-04-04, 03:06 PM
does anyone think that they should both be punished? or was this a 1 sided swinging incident?

thats what i wanted to hear

hell ya it was a nasty scene but like i say both paties are guilty


05-04-04, 03:20 PM
I agree both of them are at fault the big difference being that the first swing missed
What could he get charged with? Attempt to injure?

05-04-04, 03:28 PM
if im not mistaken its the same thing if i try to shoot you but miss
or i try to stab you but miss you still get charged

but i wasnt talking really about the criminal aspect of it i was thinking more along the lines of league disipline


05-04-04, 04:29 PM
Both players should definatly be dealt with.. Had the first swing connected, the second never would have happened.. The first was with a lot less force then the second, so a lot could have been prevented had he just connected.. It's a shame that this had to happen, especially at this time of the year and on the heels of the Bertuzzi/Moore incident, hopefully players will open their eyes are realize that this stuff can and should be prevented..

I think they'll both face suspensions, the guy who to the hit will get off lightly though..

05-04-04, 04:39 PM

That first guy swung the stick at him with intent but it seemed he just wanted to hit him not kill him, thought his swing was hard enough to hurt badly. The second guy didnt even get hit, and barely saw it, it seems(to me), so he shouldn't have wacked the guy like that in the face.

I think the first guy's(the one that went to the hospital) hit was pretty good punishment and he should be banned for a year or two from playing hockey in any league. The second guy I think should be banned for like, 10 years for playing in any league(ofcourse by then he will be too old).

Whats your thoughts?


05-07-04, 10:53 AM
Well the guy who connected with his swing got the rest of the playoffs and next year and the guy who got hit got 6 games I believe.

05-08-04, 11:27 AM
as long as there are no appeals that is correct

05-08-04, 01:17 PM
< irony >
Nice. I'm going to go put on a hockey uniform and try to kill someone downtown tonight.

Should be out of jail in a week.
< /irony>

05-10-04, 07:44 PM
I was wondering if anyone has the video somewhere. The links are down and I would like to see that vid.

05-11-04, 12:35 AM

I uploaded the one matt k put up