View Full Version : Its starting~~

05-03-04, 10:05 PM
Well the madness for me is starting too~~

first hatchling clutch of the year~

hatchling hypo motley~~

<img src="http://www.extremesnakes.com/images/Photos/Corns/HMot0401F-01.JPG">




Well I didn't want to disturb them too much. So these are the photos for now~

This is from my hypo motley x hypo motley pairing.
Laid on March 8th, 2004 with 8 eggs. Out of which 4 were slugs and 4 looked good.

Hatching date: May 3rd, 2004.

Hope you like these cute little faces~~

05-03-04, 10:10 PM
Sweeeeet, Simon! :D

That baby is <b>RED</b>! :)

05-04-04, 01:08 AM
They are SO cute! Congrats. :)

05-04-04, 02:53 AM
congrats Simon and that is a great looking little one.

05-04-04, 03:58 AM
They look great! Congrats Simon:)

05-04-04, 04:08 AM
Sweet Simon!
My second clutch is being laid right now. I'll be posting pics tonight after work.

05-04-04, 06:56 AM
that hypo motley looks really good. good luck with them.

05-04-04, 07:37 AM
Thats a cutie Simon.


05-04-04, 08:01 AM
congrats man!, just out f curiosity, is your medium always that wet? or did you spray it down when they started hatching?

05-04-04, 10:36 AM
Hypo motleys RULE!!!!

05-04-04, 10:39 AM
How cute!!!! I want one!!!!! Mother's Day coming up any chance on a freebie. (crosses fingers)

Anyway congrats & good luck with them.

05-04-04, 10:45 AM
v.cute! congrats on ur new babies :D

05-04-04, 10:52 AM
Awesome Simon! They're very nice!!!

05-04-04, 12:34 PM
Congrats Simon - very nice intense color. Love what the motely does with hypo!

mary v.

05-04-04, 12:37 PM
They are sooo cute. I want one now.

05-04-04, 10:00 PM

gorgeous babies.

05-04-04, 10:19 PM
OMG those are kickin'...

05-05-04, 01:15 AM
VERY nice Simon, how many babies in total are you expecting this year??? *braces himself for the answer*..

05-05-04, 07:18 AM
Thanks everyone!
And guess what? These shouldn't be regular hypo motleys. They should be Ultra hypo motleys. I'll take a photo of the parents and a regular hypo motley together and you should see that these shouldn't be regular hypo motleys. That is why they're so RED in color~~


Well usually they're not that wet. It was wet because the cover of the box was really wet and I just happened to put the water into the moss so that is why it's so wet~ usually you don't need it THAT wet....lol....

I am expecting around 800-1000 hatchlnigs this year. Last year it was 6-700 and this year I have a few more females so I should be around the 800-1000 hatchling number....lol~~

Thanks again everyone~
I'll try and take some more photos once they shed~~

05-05-04, 02:44 PM
Wow, that is a lot of corns!!

That baby is killer! Sure would like one of my own!!

05-05-04, 03:38 PM
awwww... congrats i love the shot of it poking its head out of the egg.

:( i want mine *snif*

05-05-04, 05:07 PM
Was wondering if these were Ultras - seemed a lot brighter than I would expect from a normal hypo. Would be great to see some adult comparison photos,

mary v.

05-05-04, 06:46 PM

You're definately right....that's a lot of corns...and trust me..it's more than a pain in the butt doing the feeding, cleaning, and everything else that is needed....Sometimes....I think I am too crazy with the corns.....lol...

yeah you're definately right. They don't look anything like a regular hypo motley. Most of the hypo motleys that I have seen are usally brownish looking not RED. I have never seen an ultra hypo motley hatchling so I don' tknow for sure if these are ultra hypo motleys. The parents of these little ones are both in shed right now. As in really really blue...can't even take pics of them near their true colors. So once they shed I'll post a picture of the two. All I need right now are some compairson photos of those ultra hypo motley hatchlings.

I have been talking to Don Soderberg over at South Mountain Reptiles and he agrees that these looks like ultra hypo motleys instead. The only thing is that he too have never seen a hatchling ultra hypo motley....lol....if anyone knows where to find an ultra hypo motley hatchling photo...please let me know. We also compared them to the strawberry hypo motley but they also don't look like the ones that I have right now. Really weird...lol... lets just hope that this is the ultra hypo motley. NOT ANOTHER HYPO GENE......lol...as if we don't have enough genetics going around now....lol~

05-06-04, 09:28 AM
Wow I can't believe this
I had some left over pinkies after feeding all my other snakes so I was like....oh well I'll try them out with the new borns.

Threw the pinkies in and all of them ate! Without their 1st shed. Plus just out of the eggs for 2 days....that's the best clutch that I have had. And on f/t too!!!

Don't know why...I love hatchlings like these!! IMHO this is the best!! LOL!!!

05-06-04, 05:20 PM
Wow These are unreal!!! Congrats Simon!
