View Full Version : Help please! (long...sorry)

05-02-04, 09:02 PM
about 5 months back, i got an adult female three toed box turtle from a coworker, which was in very bad condition. After a trip to my vet, i was told her eyes were swollen from vitamen A defecieny, she had neuromusclular damage to her jaw (which made eating impossible), a crippled right arm, and a deformed shell. What even made things more difficult is that she is a very picky eater. She refused to eat the salad+greens mix I make for all my boxies, and her jaw was too weak to keep worms, superworms, ect. in her mouth. I have now been force feeding her with a syringe for about 2 months, and her health has improved dramatically. Here's the problem, she refuses to eat on her own now. She looks at the worms with a curious eye, yet refuses to even attempt to eat them now. What should i do? What can i do to spark her appitite? It seems she just waits for me to feed her. Any help would be greatly appreciated.