View Full Version : New Pts cage pic's as promised

05-02-04, 11:50 AM
Hi everyone, a while back I posted that I picked up a nice big cage for 20 bucks, I’ve got it fixed up and skinks moved in, the dimensions are 6x4x2,



let me know what you think,

05-02-04, 11:59 AM
thats pretty nice man, i like the look of it... You may want to load it with some plants, although it doesnt look like you're done yet so maybe that is your intention :)

very cool!

05-02-04, 12:06 PM
I picked up two, 5' hanging Pothos plants, which I hear makes up there diet in the wild, I’m debating putting them in but I have a feeling they will just chomp it all down too the roots, I also have too clean the plants and change the soil in the pots before putting it in, for now I’ll leave it plain, a few dishes full of Sphagnum moss, large enough too soak in and a water dish. They just moved in today so simple will work for now.

05-02-04, 02:31 PM
Looks like a shower. j/k 20 bucks! I would have bought it too. It's nice...

05-02-04, 05:14 PM
is it aluminium ?
if so just the metal worth more than that lol
what was it before you made an herp house of it?

05-02-04, 05:40 PM
The guy was using it too as a solarium, it had tempered glass shelving, and he started flowers and such for his gardens in it, I use the 2 x2 tempered glass panes that once were shelves as sliding glass doors in my cages, the glass is very strong and I've built several cages with it,

Yes, it's aluminum, the sides and bottom are plexi glass, and top is ply wood painted with aluminum colored paint too match the rest. The branches were once an apple tree, cleaned and became decoration.

Picks of the pair living in it are posted here, http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=43372
