View Full Version : Edmonton Reptile show
Retic chic
05-02-04, 08:47 AM
We took the time to attend the Edmonton reptile show yesterday, for the first time ever. The venue was easy to find, and aside from being a little warm (hello! its a reptile show) it was well set up and there was a lot of variety on display. It was fun to see old friends, and meet some new ones.
Since I have spent my allowance (and Ryan's) for the next couple of years, we did not pick up anything new. We did however pick up a female blood python from a breeding loan, she looks to be fabulously gravid. Also a female boa het for snow, and a feisty plated lizard (Thanks to Gino and LaRea for taking care of him for us). We were unable to spend the whole weekend, but we plan on heading out that way again in the fall.
It was also great to meet another ssnakess member, Peter Ludwig. It was great talking to you, we will probably see more of each other at upcoming shows. Maybe Jeff will convince you to come along and count the snakes with us on Mothers day
05-02-04, 02:47 PM
Hey Sheila, it was good to meet you as well! I'll have to swing out the Saskatchewan way and see the Scales Zoo sometime ;)
It's always nice to put a face to a name.
For goodness sake's people, what was at the Edmonton show? What did people pick up??
05-02-04, 02:58 PM
Didn't pick up anything myself except for a temp gun... I'll probably be looking into something for the Red Deer show or the Fall shows myself. We'll see ;)
Peter Ludwig
05-03-04, 07:42 AM
Enjoyed meeting you folks too. Will talk to Jeff about coming down and let you know. His computor is down right now, but he can use mine to communicate if he wants. He did great the second day at the show. Bye for now Pete
Dragons & Balls
05-03-04, 08:18 AM
It was about time you guys came out:) It was fun having you guys here in Edmonton,hopefully next time you will be in the show with your many great animals.
Retic chic
05-03-04, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by Slannesh
Hey Sheila, it was good to meet you as well! I'll have to swing out the Saskatchewan way and see the Scales Zoo sometime ;)
It's always nice to put a face to a name.
Hey Slannesh, you are welcome to come out anytime, and make friends with some of our scaly bunch. We have a snake count going on this weekend, and the ones who cant make this weekend are coming out next weekend
Had a great time in the short time we were there, hope to see you sometime soon, or in Red Deer
Big Mike
05-03-04, 10:36 AM
I made it down to the show for a while on Sunday. I would have liked to spend more time hanging out but we were having a busy weekend.
I didn't get any new animals but we spent quite a while holding Niel & Michelle's (Snakey Acres) male dumarils boa. I love those snakes.
My little sister Louise had a blast at the show, as usual. She has a natural talent for handling reptiles and had a chance to hold plenty of different animals. She really liked Mary's (Vanderkm) baby corn snake and the leos over at Jeff McFadden's table. Attila even shot some video of her holding on of his three-toed tortoises. She missed Ziggy, an ERAS member's rat snake who she absolutely loves and appeared on A-channel with last year.
I did buy a big bag of Bearded Dragon food and some super worms from Walter. I also took home some meal worms and some crickets.
It was unfortunate that Neil could not bring Isabeau, the 18 foot - 180 lbs, burm but he's on crutches.
05-04-04, 01:09 PM
The ERAS show was a fun but tiring weekend - nice to chat with many members of the public and I sold almost everything I wanted to (keep those high prices on the ones I really would hate to part with!).
There were lots of great animals on display but not many for sale and I stuck to my husband's rule about no purchases this time.
Got a few photos that I will post when I get a chance to upload them.
And Katt - that mexican black that missed his ride to you is coming along with Walter - glad Walter was able to help,
mary v.
05-04-04, 01:57 PM
I believe I saw you and Ryan walking around(Ryan, I believe, was carrying a snake-hook) but was not sure if it was you(the tattoos in your pics werents there?) so I didnt want to make a fool of myself. I dont know what all of you look like so I wouldn't know to say hi.
Here's an Idea, At the next show, I will make a banner or hang somthing and make a member's meeting place or something? Or is that just crazy? LOL.
The show was good, not as much for sale as the last show. However I broke my vough not to buy anything(I bought two sand boas). Hope the fall show is bussier! Who is heading down to the Red Deer show?
See you all at another show!
It was great to see everyone and hopefully the fall show will be better!! I agree whole heartedly with Mary V, fun but tiring.
Chris, I'm planning on making the red deer show and the fall Calgary show so if you are looking for a ride, it will be me, Sid and my girls most likely going. I will have at least 1 extra seat and possibly 2 if Randy doesn't go.
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