View Full Version : Red Mountain Ratsnake?

05-01-04, 05:29 PM
I was wondering if anyone knew where i could get a couple of these snakes?Thanks for the input. If you don't recognize the name go to www.ratsnakes.com they have a good pics of them.

05-05-04, 09:25 PM
Very cool looking snake. I don't know where you could get 'em, but if they are anything like their (for lack of a better term) "siblings" coxi, they won't be an easy find :(

05-07-04, 11:11 AM
Think I am gonna hold out on them for awhile I did not realize how expensive they were glades herps said they could get them for 1500 bucks a piece and thats even W/C. Yes they are a beautiful snake and someone said that they are relatively calm oh well I can wait

05-14-04, 09:21 AM
They are relatively new to the pet trade and not very common so the prices may come down with time as more breeders get them. Don't hold your breath though- if they only produce a few eggs a year (4-5) it could take a while... I think Stephen Emerick at Napa Valley Snakes produced a clutch last year. They are beautiful snakes and on my wish list also.