View Full Version : New Addition!!!

05-01-04, 05:03 PM
I got a new addition last weekend. I left her settle in for a week before her first photo session, but anyway, here's my new Albino Snow Cal King, Satin!!
and a top veiw of her.....
Thanks for looking!!!

05-01-04, 05:06 PM
Very nice. I started mostly with colubrids. This snake thing is a disease (as I am now up to 23)! Does she have a bit of a pink shade to her? I have a Leu. Tx. Rat that looks a lot like her except for the yellow stripe of course!

05-01-04, 05:14 PM
Thanks, yes she's only about 6 months old and still on the pink side. As she ages, and her scales thicken, she'll turn more white. I had another snow, but lost her to what the vet said was a strep infection last year. This is how she looked at around 3 years old.
Thanks for looking!

05-01-04, 07:34 PM
Very pretty! :) Congrats on your new addtion! :)

05-01-04, 09:22 PM
Totally awesome! I have owned a male, but he in two years, did not grow past a foot despite eating like crazee. He unfortunately passed on. His sister I gave to a friend, but she went scaleless and died. I'd love to have another, but a bit concerned of their genetic integrity.

You are totally lucky!!!

05-01-04, 09:24 PM
Nice Tim! Why didn't you send me pics though!!!!! :( lol

05-02-04, 10:55 AM
Thanks everybody!!

Katt: I had an albino Banana Cal King that went through something like your male. She ate good but never grew past 16". She died at around a year old. I wanted to get a necropsy done on her, but she was my son's, and he just wanted to bury her. So, I'll never know what really happened with her :(.

Andy: I have other pics, I'll send a few your way ;).

05-02-04, 11:24 AM
She looks awesome! :D Congrats, and best of luck with her! I've never seen a snow cal king before... do they end up pure white as they age?


05-02-04, 12:03 PM
Katt I'm trying this year breeding my male Snow to an Albino striped female & a striped female. I haven't had him in my collection long enough to say for sure, but he doesn't seem to be growing very much either, so we'll see over time. He's been breeding well though. It very well could be subject to problems genetically & probably has to do with excessive inbreeding to get the morph, but lets not start that fight now. Anyhow looking good Ace! Good Luck with it, Mark

05-02-04, 12:21 PM
wicked king man!

05-02-04, 12:43 PM
she is very pretty,good luck

05-02-04, 12:49 PM
Aww, c'mon Mark, let's start that fight again! Oh, or maybe the hybrid one, who cares if it doesn't relate to the topic of this thread? lol!

Those are always good for 7 or 8 pages of repetitive bickering until it degenerates into "I know you are but what am I?" Aren't we about due for one of those around here? It's been at least a couple of weeks I think since I've seen one like that. lol!

05-02-04, 12:54 PM
MK are you suggesting we Hijack the thread? We wouldn't do that now would we LOL Mark
P.S. Ace send her to Canada & she can make some nice babies with my male or maybe some cool Hybrids eh MouseKilla LOL

05-02-04, 04:50 PM
Thanks again everybody!!

Jen: They end up looking NEARLY pure white. Depends on how dark the melanistic traits of the parents were. The more melanistic the parents, the whiter an albino will be....make sense?
For comparison, here's a pic of a "normal" Striped Abino Cal King (http://www.blmreptiles.com/images/calking_albstripe2.jpg) You can see how much Satin's yellows are faded compared to a "normal". This makes them look cleaner and whiter as adults.

Mark: Wish I could!! She has another 2-3 years before she can be bred anyway. Oh, and my snakes don't just mate with anything!! :p LOL

05-02-04, 05:07 PM
LOL @ Mark!