View Full Version : need help quick leo eggs

05-01-04, 11:13 AM
Hye i need help fast my leo laid 2 eggs on march 22 and iv been incubating them at 85f and last nite when iw as checkin the eggs i notcied the one i thought was firtile the whit of the egg was like peeling off and i could see through it and see blood veins and it seemd there was a small hole well i checked it thi s mornin and out the whole tthere is a bloob of yellow and a little red so im thinkin it mite be an eggs sack and donno what im sapposed to do now can some one plz help.

05-01-04, 01:50 PM
at my oppinion nothing can be done, if there is a leo he may be around of time hatching.
or the egg could be just dead. some egg don't hatch even if fertile
but that is just a VERY little chance VS succeful hatching rate.
just let it alone and look every day, if he hatch or mold.