View Full Version : Male pine still not eating

04-30-04, 04:47 PM
Well, my male North Mexican Pine is still not eating and has only taken 1 feeding (3 mice on Dec. 05/03) since last November. He's still active and appears very healthy, but I can see that he's lost some weight. I try him every 5-6 days but so far he has not taken any, even though he'll be curled up on/around them when I check on him a few hours later.

Any suggestins?


05-01-04, 02:18 PM
Was he cooled for the winter? He may have his mind on "other" stuff. ;)

05-01-04, 02:39 PM
probably not much help but try something different. Rats or gerbils. Dip the front end of a mouse in some chicken soup or chicken stock and try that. It does work on some snakes.

05-01-04, 05:27 PM
He was cooled to about 63 Deg. F but has been out for about 2 months. That temp is not cool enough for full hibernation but I did take him off food for that time. I'm just afraid that the weight loss will continue and he'll waste away on me. The female has been eating well since mid Feb. I'm trying him again tonight with both rats and mice so I guess we'll see what comes of it.