View Full Version : Better Camera

Richard Welter
04-30-04, 01:28 AM
I just got a new camera and already I know how to use some things on it.

Richard Welter
04-30-04, 01:29 AM
Male amazon

Richard Welter
04-30-04, 01:31 AM
Gravid amazon

Richard Welter
04-30-04, 01:32 AM
Breeding pair

Richard Welter
04-30-04, 01:34 AM
female amazon

Richard Welter
04-30-04, 01:35 AM
Male emerald

Richard Welter
04-30-04, 01:38 AM
Male Basin

Richard Welter
04-30-04, 01:41 AM
Sorry for the short posts on each animal, but it's 1:15 am on the morning and I am beat. I just got a new camera and had to put it to work for a little bit of time. Thanks Richard Welter

04-30-04, 05:47 AM
Short but awesome post none the less. Very amazing Ammies :D

04-30-04, 05:50 AM
Nice snakes!!!!! :)
How large are the plastic containers you are keeping them in ......the reason i am asking is because i want to keep amazons and i would prefeer to house them in plastic boxes, because of easy husbandry, but the largest I can find are about 2' long by 1' deep and about 1.2' high......