View Full Version : rescue

04-29-04, 09:48 PM
Hikz r us Animal conservation is willing to take in any exotic animals, or farm animal no questions asked. We will pay for shipping, all animals will be taken care of by our experienced, well trained staff, and we are a no kill sanctuary We take in almost anything;turtles, chickens, tigers,monkeys,bunnies,lizard,parrots, *We do no accept dog/cats contact your local S.P.C.A*

04-30-04, 08:07 PM
do you have animals availible for adoption?

05-01-04, 09:35 AM
Could you give a bit more information on yourself? Where you're located? What experience you have? Do you have a zoo permit? I've noticed on another thread, that you have mentioned not liking snakes. Does that mean you won't take snakes in?

Jeff Hathaway
05-02-04, 01:55 PM
So you're saying, if I want to send my burmese python, green iguana, or Holstein dairy cow to you from Ontario, you'd pay the shipping? And somehow, this is related to 'Animal Conservation'?

Sounds like a waste of resources to me...

You have lobsters in Saskatchewan? I can't imagine how that is helping to conserve anything.

I hope that you happen to be independently wealthy to be able to afford the time and money to care for things like tigers, monkeys, etc. When people start taking in lots of things without adequate time and resources, the results aren't pretty.

Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!