View Full Version : Getting a Ball

09-19-02, 09:02 PM
Ok I have Two Corns and a Tranutula , but I want more !!! :eek: I'm looking into buying a "Ball" where is the best place to purchase these guys ??? Also if you guys AND gals could give me some tips to a better life for the new snake :thumbsup:

Thanx , Biggz

09-20-02, 08:18 AM
Stay away from stores if you can. The best to buy ball is from a breeder. When you go to purchase your snake, if possible try and take a look at it beforehand. Make sure its eyes are clear, its vent is clean, its alert and responsive, clean of external parasites, has good body tone and weight, etc. When you get it home make sure that you don't handle it or attempt to feed it for a week. If it deosnt feed after a week, don't start handling it until its feeding well for you. Balls are very timid snakes hence they are more prone tot he effects of stress from environment. Make sure you don't handle your balle excessively and be sure he has alot of tight hides in his home to make sure he feels secure. Good luck with aquiring your new ball! :thumbsup:

09-20-02, 01:31 PM
Ok thanx Linds !! anyone else have any ideas ?Or places to buy "Balls" ?

09-20-02, 04:11 PM
I would have to agree with linds, although I did get my ball pythons at stores!! lol, but they are really good snakes!! Good Luck and God Bless!