View Full Version : Ovulation....sweeeeeeeet..........

04-28-04, 12:59 AM

04-28-04, 01:47 AM
Very nice Jeff...I will be talking to you in a couple months about some of these babies. Shes aswome


04-28-04, 02:11 AM
Thanx bro! I'm hoping for 10 eggs, but anything over 8 is grrrravvvy!! I can't palpate Hondos worth s**t!!! LOL!

04-28-04, 01:04 PM
She looks really full!! Fingers crossed for lots of eggs - would be incredible to see those little orange and white noses popping out of eggs! Bet you can hardly wait,

mary v.

04-28-04, 07:08 PM
Oh Mary, you don't know the half of it!! Especially seeing as the other 2 females are eating like crap since being out of brumation and probably won't breed this year! Its ok though, as they are only 18 months old and I wasn't counting on them. But this big female eats like a horse, is about 5.5 feet long, and is 30 months old. She BETTER give good eggs, LOL!!

04-28-04, 07:27 PM
SWEET Jeff, congrats!!! :D Is that your first hondo ovulation this year?


04-28-04, 07:49 PM
2nd one. The first was a normal that was bred by the same albino, so 100% hets for that one. Just had another ovulate today, but that was the same pairing as last year that produced the spotteds and 100% het spotteds. And then there should be 2 more Tangerines that were bred with albino to go later on this month (still breeding).

Cheers guys!! :D