View Full Version : Shedding Questions?

04-27-04, 11:35 PM
I just got my baby corn snake on the 19th and she is about 16 to 17 inches long and I was wondering about shedding. How often do baby snakes shed? I am not too sure on how old she is, but I do know her length so maybe that will help. I am curious to know what a cornsnake with red eyes looks like before it sheds. A lot of people say their corns have bluish foggy eyes right before, but that is the people who have snakes with black eyes. How will I know when my red eyed snake is about to shed?

04-28-04, 06:52 AM
How often they shed depends on a lot of different factors. What you are feeding (meal size), frequency of feeding etc. If feeding an appropriate sized prey item about once every five days, you can expect a shed about once a month, but it varies by the individual. I have on corn that has only shed once in the 5 months I've had her!

With the red eyes, they just get kind of cloudy looking. Its just as "obvious" as the blue eyes, but you're right that they don't actually turn blue as the black eyes do.