View Full Version : Colouration

04-27-04, 08:02 PM
I took out my new baby nosy be for the second time since I have gotten him and to my surprize his colours are really starting to show themselves. He has a light green up on the spin (where it looks like his bars will form) a few patches of electric blue (and i mean electric - lol) many many spots of red on his tail and one on his side, and the rest of him was a light grey/white colour. I was just curious because he is only 3.5 months old, and I remember Max being nearly entirely dark grey until 5 months.


04-27-04, 09:23 PM
there all different jason, some chamelons are just really nervious all the time hence darker colors, be happy your getting nice colors now he might go on a 6 month pissy mood lol.

04-28-04, 04:44 AM
Well obviously they are all different and of course I am happy :) Just htought it to be strange is all.
