View Full Version : TARAS Kings *MANY PICS!*

04-27-04, 05:25 PM
Ok, a bit of a cal king fest! These girls are my haul from TARAS. Got a li'l goini king too, but she's in shed.

Here's a 50/50 I got from Henry Piorun. She's not yellow as the pics seem to show. She's WHITE with some nice black netting. She's got to sweetest face, but as Mark IsBell can attest, she's not a sweety!! As soon as Henry handed her to me, she bit me in the palm and would NOT LET GO. Mark had to save me with a spatula!!

While photographing her, she attempted to eat me again! Thanks Henry!!

<img src=http://img48.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Kings/5050.jpg>

Look at the sweet face on her! It's all lies!
<img src=http://img48.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Kings/50502.jpg>

And then, once this girl came to me, Henry put out this STUNNING fully striped coastal phase cal king. I HAD TO HAVE HER. I told Henry he was evil several times b/c he should have taken this one out first! Check her out! Wowee!!! Mark K. eat your heart out!

All the way to the head!
<img src=http://img48.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Kings/stripecoast.jpg>

Full body shot.
<img src=http://img48.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Kings/stripecoast2.jpg>

And then, AND THEN!!!!!! Christian Bilou had this girl out on display. (Originally we both though male). I said to myself, I had to have "him" to complement my girls. Unfortunately, "he" was already adopted and so I trekked to find the adoptee to offer to buy "him". Christian however, offered the adoptee an ivory king instead of this one, and thus I got "him". Only to probe him in the car to find, he was a she!! Anyway. This snake is JET BLACK nd snow white. INCREDIBLE looking snake. All these girls are fabulous. All I could hear from Vanan was F and B! Hehehe.

A horrid pic, but look at this beauty!!

<img src=http://img48.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Kings/dotdash.jpg>

All these girls ate after taking them home. I am seriously pleased with these girls. They're in my opinion stunning cal kings and I'm very glad they're here! I had originally wanted to get a milksnake and a frog and instead ended up with three cals and a goini! Still, I'm not complaining!

In case you're wondering. These gals are in quarantine hence the small small containers. Also, I don't use aspen nor paper towel as substrate in my collection.

04-27-04, 05:32 PM
F and B!!! @%$!#$%@#$@!!

04-27-04, 08:53 PM
WOW Katt -- those are all awesome!! Love the contrast on the first girl ... I've never seen anything even close to that striped coastal girl... and the last one is just too cool! :D Amazing... congrats on the new additions!!!!


04-27-04, 09:07 PM
O.k. Katt. Nice snakes! Do any have bellies like he does?

04-27-04, 09:09 PM
No and I hate you. The coastal has some blackish parts, but the 50/50 is pretty clean bellied. The abberant has a bit of a dirty belly. The neck parts are really clean like in your pic, but the whole belly is not.

04-28-04, 01:42 AM
Mark ya beat me to the punch I too was going to ask about the bellies. Looking good anyhow Katt. I like the bitey one, reminds me of one of mine "White Widow". Seeing it again gave me a good chuckle anyhow. I've heard of people being attached to their pets, but I don't think its meant to be like that Heh Heh. You should have made Henry help, he probably wouldn't tease you as much about it LOL Mark

04-28-04, 02:16 AM
those are such beauties!!
I love the full striped and the 'spotted' one!!

They are excellent!!!!

04-28-04, 02:17 AM
The head on the first one reminds me of Star Wars Imperial Storm Troopers!!! All white and black and SHINY! :D

04-28-04, 08:41 AM
love them all, but that spotted one is absolutely stunning:D

04-28-04, 08:45 AM
there are all amazing! the colours are so crisp!

04-28-04, 01:07 PM
Congrats - very nice additions - that last Morse code one is really gorgeous and a striped coastal is a really nice find. Thanks for sharing the photos - great looking girls,

mary v.

04-28-04, 01:40 PM
Wicked looking Kings Katt! So decievingly cute! :)