View Full Version : Yeah....Roughscale success!

04-27-04, 05:40 AM
It's a great morning! Last night I fed 4 of my snakes: my Kenyan who for some reason refused food last week - he ate with gusto. My Mexican Black Kingsnake who never turns down a meal. My new (got her Sunday) California Kingsnake - always a good thing when the first feed goes well. And the best of all....my 3 year old female RoughScale who hadn't eaten since 1/22/04. She had been refusing live and FT from me. Her weight went from 193g on 12/22/03 down to 175g on 4/23/04. I had tried so many methods. Last night I put her and a FT hopper (thought I'd try smaller prey) in a brown bag and closed it with a chip clip. Sat it in the tub, closed the tub and an hour later she had eaten it! I left the bag open for her to get out when she wanted (didn't want to pull her out because now I'm hoping she keeps it down). I checked this morning and she had crawled out of the bag and left a present - a shed! It was only the bottom half shed so I'm hoping the rest is in her substrate, but I don't wan to bother her. I can see her little head sticking out and it seems clear of shed. I'm just so happy. I know it was a small prey item, but I hope she eat again for me next week.


04-27-04, 07:09 AM
Yay! congrats! It always feels good when they take food after awhile doesn't it. Now, only if my ball would eat, oh well.