View Full Version : Follow-up to Norweigen case, if you are following

04-27-04, 02:07 AM
Sorry about the posts re-directing to diff (competion) sites. But here is what is happening in Norway. http://forums.**************/view.php?id=433836,435070

This is a transcript from an interview with a German reporter.


And this one is from the guy himself with an update. I hope he can save his animals.

Thanks for looking,

P.S. again really sorry about diverting people!

04-28-04, 12:31 AM
Following message is from obeligz, the person in Norway. It's an update on how things are going. Sorry again for the re-direction!

04-28-04, 12:35 AM
"argh.. I just wrote a long post here and lost it because of a wrong click..
Here I go again..
I'm sorry that it has taken so long between updates on this thread, the last 24 hours have been nonstop work for me.
As I exhaust all my possibilities one by one things are starting to calm down a little around me now and I can concenrtate more on updating forums and such.
Let's see, this has happened since my last post here.

After the interview with the german paper yesterday I started writing my application for dispensation to keep my animals. This took longer than I expected tho, I tried to base my application as much on facts and as little on personal reasons as possible and spent a great deal of time searching and doublechecking info in rhac books by Bauer, Henkel and de Vosjoli. I finished the application for sidpensation around 6am but at that point all my friends were asleep so I had to fax it to the proper authorities without it beeing proof read..
Went to bed, slept 3 hours, meaning, I overslept for the appointment with my lawyer 9am, fortunately I got a now one a few hours later.
11am TV reporters were here, this resulted in a newsflash that was put on the air 6:45pm today. I recorded it but it's unedited and I got to get a computer wiz to edit and put on eglish text before I can publish it.
Surprisingly this newsflash had a very positive angle to it.
This is in part because a friend of mine in the hobby over here has ties within the medias but I also expect this to be a result of the fact that alot of people from all over the world are following this event and therefore both the medias and the district vet are cautious with what they're saying. Again, this would not have been so if it wasn't for all the support I've recieved from abroad. just the fact that you're interested in this case and are following the events happening to me have a great impact on the situation.
But I bear more good news.
I was contacted by Kelly Bertens which had just emailed one of the head professors at a local college in the United States. He is involved with the Zoology department. I have asked on your behalf for information on reptiles, their care, and the risk of salmonella. This is ofcourse great.
It does not me personally alot but it means a great deal to my cause and we will benefit from this greatly in our daily struggle with the government in legalising herptiles in Norway.
Also I was contacted by Mr. Chris Newman, chairman of the Federation of British Herpetologists(www.f-b-h.co.uk) and webmaster of www.cviewmedia.com. He offered me his assistance.
Needless to say I grabbed this great opportunity with both hands and asked him to write me an appeal. Just a little something that he could send to the authorities that deal with my application. I'm certain that whatever comes out of this it's bound to get noticed...
the 9pm appointment with the psychatrist went... well.. not as good as I hoped but still there could be some help in this.. She understood the graveness of the matter and taht I'm very attached to my animals, however, she cannot write out a recomendation in plain text that I should be allowed to keep my animals, this is not possible since she also has rules and regulations to follow. Still, she was concerned with the fact that I'm emotionally unbalanced by the chain of events that have happened the last 6 days and she's also very concerned with the fact that I've had far too little sleep lately. She sent my to my doctor to get medications that will help me calm down and help me sleep..
I'll see if I'll have some time to sleep later tonight.

Btw. Mr. Newman asked for a list of species and I rememberes that I haven't posted these yet..
Here are the animal's we're currently fighting for:
2.0.1 Gekko gecko
ca 20 Lepidodactylus lugubris
2.0.1 Rhacodactylus chahoua
1.0.1 Rhacodactylus leachianus leachianus - Grande Terre morph
1.1.3 Rhacodactylus leachianus leachianus - Mt. Koghis morph
0.0.1 Rhacodactylus leachianus henkeli - Pine Island morph
2.3.0 Dendrobates azureus
1.2.0 Dendrobates auratus

the 5 Mt. Koghis morph leachis are still with me in my home while the rest is at the district vet's ocffice. I had to give him the basics of watering & feeding so that he'd know how to care for them intil their fate is descided..
It seemed like the vet wanted to get rid of these animals as fast a spossible, one way or another.. I don't think that he likes the situation he's in at the moment but he'll just have to care for the animals until the propepr authotities have descided what this direction this case will culminate in..
Well.. I think that's about all for now.
I still have to correspond witha a few people from abroad and update a couple more forums before I hit the medications and the bed..
I'll keep you updated tho things are starting to calm down for the mment, we just have to wait for someone in the government to make some sort of descision and see what happens then. "
-by obeligz

Thanks for following this.


04-28-04, 09:56 AM
Thanks for posting these.
I just signed the petition too.

04-28-04, 10:28 AM
me as well

04-29-04, 01:23 AM
No problem. I just thought that the herping community needed to know about this. If you know of anyone else or anyplace else who would be interested in this, obeligz has given his permission to use and post. I don't know if what we are doing will help his animals. It's just maybe too late for them, but maybe it will help others and maybe it will help generate a more positive attitude towards herps. We never know unless we try and fight. Thanks for taking the time to read them and to sign the petition.
