View Full Version : Collection themes
04-26-04, 05:43 PM
ive been collecting for awhile...and i started to relize i got bored of just buying random species of herp..then i kinda played zoo and made my own little exhibits and now my collection goes like this
reptiles of the amazon river bed
Scorpions of africa
tree frogs of north america
fresh water sharks of thialand
i guess its my own little way of feeling question is....does anyone else do anything like this??? or am i the only nerd that does this
04-26-04, 09:10 PM
My only "theme" is to get them all! lol!
Seriously, I had in mind to collect a representative pair from each species of kingsnake.:Lampropeltis (getula,calligaster,alterna, mexicana, ruthveni,triangulum, and zonata). I have long since done that and am on my way to getting a whole lot of subspecies as you might guess. One of my targets this year is L.triangulum micropholis. A toughie!
04-26-04, 09:44 PM
Hmmm I've actually thought many times about making some sort of theme too my collection, every time I decide I will I pick something up out of the theme, now I just accept that ill get what catches my eye, I have yet too get bored of my animals,
04-26-04, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by crimsonking
is to get them all!
What is this? Pokemon? :P
lol Aidan i thought the same thing at first. I dont want a theme but i thought to myself "if one day i didn't have any i should pick a theme" i thought of blue reptiles, red tail boas, none aquatics! (my turtles get anoying sometimes) and i was thinking it would be awesome to start a tentacled snake breeding colony (yeah, there aquatics but there SO cool!)
04-27-04, 06:14 AM
Theme eh? Anything and everything chamleeons (even the hat :) LOL)
04-27-04, 06:21 AM
Well I guess my "theme" would be Lampropeltis Getula Californiae and all the variants. Throw in a little Vietnamese Blue Beauty, Taiwan Beauty and Ball Pythons for good measure
04-27-04, 06:25 AM
One word, Boa! If it's small and a boa, I want it. Yes I have balls and a GTP and too many corns but soon the corns will be gone and it will be all Rosies, Sand, Hogs, and Brazilians and Tree Boas.
04-27-04, 07:39 AM
Anacondaman I sure would like to see pictures of your "fresh water sharks of thialand" collection. sounds cool
04-27-04, 07:44 AM
Well, most of you know what my theme is...
Milks Milks Milks and a few other that have found their way into the collection, eventually to be moved out. Here is my theme.
04-27-04, 10:21 AM
I have a corn, a king, a python, and soon to be a boa...I'm in with the one of everything dudes
04-27-04, 11:42 AM
lol....those frsh water sharks of mine arnt what they sound to be...... there a type of minnow that shares body shape with sharks....right now i only have about 4 different species...but its nothing special...they do get big though...
My theme....anything that constricts rodents. Python and boa guy completely. Now I just gotta find some more room to expand the collection. LOL...thats always the problem it seems.When I have the room no money...when I have no room I have the money. GAH.
04-27-04, 12:19 PM theme used to be CORN me..that changed quick (still love the little guys though)
04-27-04, 12:51 PM
Corns & Kings for the Bread & Butter Starter Snakes as I supply snakes for petstores & to children. Jungle Corn hybrids for the creative aspects of life & Austrailian Pythons for the Rare "Natural" Species & to promote Captive Breeding over Wild Caught. Mark
Originally posted by crimsonking
My only "theme" is to get them all! lol!
How immmmature !!! :)
I think I'm going the same way :)
I try to get species from different families in order to learn stuff on allmost everything.
At the moment we have at least one specimen of:
desert gecko
arboreal geckos
soon to come... dragons and how knows ? :)
I think i am gonna concentrate on madagascar for a while, but there are so many things that i want, who knows what i'll get next. I suppose it depends on what deals pop-up when i have the money.
04-27-04, 01:26 PM
My only theme is: "Animals I am pasionate about".
That way, we both win. :)
04-27-04, 01:26 PM
Not a theme as much as a limitation - I can only do a good job of a limited number of things - so 1) Honduran milksnakes - any and all morphs and 2) creamsicle cornsnakes (would like to go with a pure corn variety but I love the orange ones!) working for motley and striped patterns. We do have a few other species just for the fun of it, but won't be getting more of any of those (well maybe the variable kings - they are just such great snakes!).
mary v.
I'm all about the boas, if it was ever possible I'd like to own every locale and morph of boa there is out there.
Nick -The Dreamer
Jeff Hathaway
04-27-04, 04:13 PM
Our themes:
Herpetofauna of Ontario, and to a lesser extent, other Canadian species
Reptiles which are readily handleable by members of the public, including children
Particular species of conservation concern
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!
04-27-04, 04:59 PM
I forgot to mention the Eastern Indigos as well. They are our effort at captive breeding an endangered North American species. Mark
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