View Full Version : non reptile New Addition

04-26-04, 01:52 PM


Meet Took! He's a timneh african grey parrot. He is 2 days short of being a month old, and just came home today. He growls whenever anyone walks by him - he fits in already!


04-26-04, 01:58 PM
wow very nice, deinetly one of the nicer looking birds.

04-26-04, 02:00 PM
I know NOTHING about birds. Are they usually taken away from their mother so young? He still looks completely helpless and unable to take care of himself - its hard to imagine that in the wild a baby like that would be off on his own?

04-26-04, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Auskan
I know NOTHING about birds. Are they usually taken away from their mother so young? He still looks completely helpless and unable to take care of himself - its hard to imagine that in the wild a baby like that would be off on his own?

No, you're right - he is basically completely helpless. In the wild he wouldn't leave the nest for many more weeks. However, my breeder (and many others that I have spoken to) likes to sell her birds and have the new owners hand feed/rear them. We have him set up on a low heat pad and he gets hand feed every two or three hours. It is a HUGE task, one definitely not for the non-commital type.

04-26-04, 02:04 PM
Oh no auskan, she is probably hand feeding him. He still has down feathers. His flight feathers will take a while to come in, not sure how long though. But they are adorable. Problem with african greys is, they are usually a one person bird, they "claim" one person, then they are mean to the other people in the house.

cute little baby! Wish we could get a large parrot!

04-26-04, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by ohh_kristina
No, you're right - he is basically completely helpless. In the wild he wouldn't leave the nest for many more weeks. However, my breeder (and many others that I have spoken to) likes to sell her birds and have the new owners hand feed/rear them. We have him set up on a low heat pad and he gets hand feed every two or three hours. It is a HUGE task, one definitely not for the non-commital type.

Thanks for explaining. Well, good for you for taking on that commitment. Good luck with him!

04-26-04, 02:23 PM
wow thats impressive good luck with him

04-26-04, 02:50 PM
Wow Nice bird.
How fast do they grow?

04-26-04, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by lakeridgekennel
Wow Nice bird.
How fast do they grow?

I believe they are fledged (learning to fly/able to fly) at about 15 weeks old. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong :)

04-26-04, 02:54 PM
Thats along time
Once again REALLY NICE Bird!!!!!!

04-26-04, 04:06 PM
Congratulations Kristina,

I know you will enjoy him. I have a Timneh and had an African Grey. The Timnehs are truly my faves.

Sapphire Moon: regarding the "one person" bird, actually that is not true, they will go through phases. Regular handling, play time and "snuggle time" by everyone in the household goes a long way to a healthy long term relationship with these birds. And they actually are not all that large, unlike the Africans. Our timneh runs the house and has free reign. The only time he actually goes into his cage, is if we have outside doors open for bring stuff in and out of the house. Otherwise, the 500.00 cage does an admirable job of holding up his water dish..;) He has to be part of meal times which can get pretty messy at times and enjoys play time. It is amazing how much entertainment they will get by destroying a toilet paper roll, or let him loose with a full box of Kleenex. Ours has a wide vocabulary for only being 3 years old and will respond easily to situations.

And yes Kristina, four months is average until they are ready to fly. But I would recommend you keep the wings clipped at this age, as they don't have the strength or agility to sustain flight and more often then not will end up crash landing, Just make sure you try the maiden flight over a bed first..;)

If you would like my "special birdie bean mix" drop me a pm and I will be happy to give you the recipe. This stuff is easy to make and store. Oh yes , and watch what you say around the bird, it is amazing how much they will pick up and retain for future use.;)


04-26-04, 04:18 PM
them birds are great, i would love to get one! nice bird:)

04-26-04, 05:04 PM
Thats great news, I would love to get one, but was always worried that it would pick me or my partner and just hate the other. My cousins african grey does this, and the bird destroys anything and everything of his partners stuff. And ONLY his partners stuff, never the "owners" things. lol

04-26-04, 05:32 PM
Here ya go Kristina,as promised, pics of my "buddy", enjoy







04-26-04, 06:01 PM
cute bird, i'd have to bring him to work with me i had one, and who knows what phrases it would pick up (i work in a call center).

04-26-04, 06:15 PM
aww hes so cute. my dads friend used to breed scarlet macaws. beautiful birds.

04-26-04, 08:10 PM
Jim, your bird is lovely! Thanks for sharing :)

04-27-04, 04:29 AM
No problem Kristina,

One thing, I completely missed in your first pics.."the shavings". I would suggest you get rid of them. Replace with old towels instead. The shavings can get lodged in their crop and resin based woods, like cedar and pine, are also not recommended around birds.

Sapphire Moon, likely the actions of your friends bird comes from a lack of chew and play toys to stimulate his activities. Try having the person who has been "victimized" by all the chewing, offer some simple chew toys (rope, safe woods, paper towels, toilet paper tubes, etc....different colors also helps), and have him(her) play with the bird a little more often. Definitely don't underestimate the intelligence of these birds. They can have very long memories particularly if there was some sort of trauma.

Hope this helps

04-27-04, 08:37 AM
Kristina - congrats on your new little one - definately a lifetime committment.

Jim - thanks for sharing photos of your bird buddy - sounds like you are a wonderful home for him. Always love to see photos of these guys,

mary v.

04-27-04, 09:26 PM
Holy crap waaaaaaaaay too cute... congrats!

04-28-04, 06:48 AM
Thanks Mary,


Actually he lets US live with HIM. He runs the house, picks on the dog, but definitely shows restraint when the snakes are out..;)
