View Full Version : Hemp

09-19-02, 02:10 PM
Anyone use hemp bedding for any of their animals? I just discovered it at a TSC store and it's really cheap?


Shane Tesser
09-19-02, 02:43 PM
Sorry Corr, im only familiar with it at street level lmao!!!!!

09-19-02, 02:54 PM

09-19-02, 08:07 PM
Nobody huh?! Hmmm, I may have stumbled on to something here. The bails are $9.99 (I pay 21.99 for Aspen) and from what I've read, it's just as good if not better than Aspen. No dust or odor and very absorbant.

09-19-02, 11:01 PM
hmm... You're right... Tell me if its any good, and at that price, it's a steal if it is! lol, thanks,

09-20-02, 01:04 AM
That stuff was made from industrial hemp, So its doesn't contain any of the good stuff, But on the other hand some of the best clothing you can buy is made of hemp. I guess it all depends on what grade the hemp is in how processed it is that would allow it to be suitable. I could assume that fairly raw hemp might be aggrivating to a snake.

09-20-02, 08:24 AM
I have used it with mice. It acts more like a hard wood than a soft one like pine. It is not as aromatic but it seems to be more absorbant. To my knowledge, it does not have a high quantity of oil such as pine and cedar

Hope this helps

09-21-02, 05:05 PM
I think I recently read it can be a good substrate for snakes.