View Full Version : panther chameleon

04-25-04, 08:51 PM
How much do they usually cost? I am thinking of buying one after i got my veiled. Btw, do you need to dust the crickets in vitamins/calcium before feeding a veiled chameleon?

04-25-04, 09:41 PM
Panther chams will probably run about 150...depending on their age and sex.

Yes, you have to dust the crickets every so often..I *believe* its once a week, but I may be wrong.

04-25-04, 10:01 PM
depends on age, as they get older, less dusting of the cirkets. The last show i went to in mississagua went from 120, to 180 this is jsut for babys, the prices raised imo.


04-25-04, 10:55 PM
what do you have to dust them with?

04-25-04, 11:04 PM
multi vitamin or jsut soem calcium the real key is gutloading well

04-26-04, 02:17 AM
you canadians have good panther prices. i can't find anything under $200 US.

04-26-04, 06:58 AM
yeah, they are realy expensive in the US. the cheapest ive seen babies were $225. and it also depends on the species.

04-26-04, 09:43 AM
panther is the species. THey are all the same species. I think you mean locality.


04-26-04, 02:04 PM
hmm the funny thing is that we dont have much verity of panthers to choose from. But like other speices such as fisher they are very hard to find in canada and other stuff, u guys are lucky that you have other speices in the U.S, and not just veiled and panthers. But ya the funny thing is that you would think it would cost more for a panther in canada cause there semi hard to find. btw good luck


04-26-04, 02:15 PM
Well most of the panthers up here i find are not the best, Although the animals themselvs are good its hard to find and pure locals and its hard to be cirtain if what your buying is really what they say. if some pure locals showed up here they would be worth a hole lot more then what the current panther go's for here, well thats just my though anyway.

04-26-04, 02:52 PM
Yeah but they going rate for all (not petsote) panthers is about 150$. Who is to say there are no pure locales?


04-26-04, 05:05 PM
Im just saying if say some pure ambilobe's were to be up for sale im sure u wouldent be paying $150, The thing is that because lets say noey's are soo popular and common here there not as desireable, and i dont mean people dont want them i jsut mean there common soo there price isent high. thats all and i know of people who have "rambow" chameleons ie muts or non pure locals. this decreases the cost of the chameleon, andnot having what u think u have ie: i was sold a ambanja but he turned out to look identical to a nosy. I was also sold another ambanja which im sure was a cross, so i cant call my male a nose because i dont know for sure if i ever get a chance to mate him i cant garentee that his babies will be noeys. On top of this the lack of breeders here dont help i hope one day this will change, again this is just my opinion.

04-26-04, 05:44 PM
Oh. First I dont think there are ANY ambilobes in Canada and if there were of course they would be a lot. As for your ambanja I still say it IS ambanja 100%. Most ambanjas do look very similar to nosy be just with a more defined stripe. A lot of the time it is hard to distinguish, but yours (I say) is an obvious ambanja :)


04-26-04, 06:17 PM
I actually don't think your "ambanja" looks anything like an ambanja. It looks very Nosy Be to me. A lot of the point of the database is to prevent sitautions where it comes to the point we can't be sure about what animals are with regard to purity. I think this is part of the reason a lot of panthers are so expensive in the US, people are really going for pure blood and are willing to pay for it (which i think is great).

04-26-04, 06:24 PM
yes i agree with Chris, I have done alot of comparisons betwween the two and there is not doubt in my mind that he has all the carecteristics of a nosy, I would love to say he is a pure nosy but most likly he has been crossed.

04-26-04, 07:06 PM
Ok. Then I have a question. What does a 'normal' ambanja look like? I mean, not the fancy yellow ones but jst when purchasing an ambanja what can you expect? I ask because I have been looking at many pics from breeders and such, and a lot of the males look just like nosy bes except for the whole dark bars.


04-26-04, 07:38 PM
collide can you compare a pic with a nosy be and an ambanja?Just so then it would make it easyer for other people. But in my opinion i think yours is cross breed with a nosy b with a ambanja, i think the chances are high. Where did you get it?


04-26-04, 07:55 PM
i found these on adcham and chamjournals i have also seen pics in books as well as some pics of peoples trips to maddy make your own conclusions





My guy


04-26-04, 08:09 PM
Darn. I guess I didnt remember at all wha he looked like ... to me he now looks like a nosy x ambanja.
But I also don't think the pics of the ambanjas you posted were of the 'commonly found' ambanja and more of the exceptional cases.


04-26-04, 08:23 PM
well ur guy and the guy above urs seem to match up in my opinion


04-26-04, 08:28 PM
Here are a bunch of my photos I took in Madagascar of these two locales.



04-26-04, 08:32 PM
well anyway guys there is a panther in a shop which is pretty big for 150 canadian...that is a good price right?

04-26-04, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by chamitch
multi vitamin or jsut soem calcium the real key is gutloading well
I have a rep-cal calcium thingy that was expired Dec 2003. Do you think i could still use it?

04-27-04, 07:04 AM
wow chris, you are sooo lucky to have gone to madagascar and see those chameleons.

04-27-04, 01:12 PM
CHRIS YOUR MAKING ME JEALOUS! you are very very lucky i wish i got to go there, man those are amazing! There just amazing!!!!!!!!!


04-27-04, 01:51 PM
i'm gonna come out and say it....


wanna take me next time?


04-27-04, 07:37 PM
ha ah!!!
