View Full Version : My New Cages

04-24-04, 11:55 PM
First off i would like to thank Hetforhuman for showing his plans oh how he build his cages, these are pretty much exact coppys in diffrent sizes but i made a little mod myslef.

this one is of my Super Jampea Retics and ball python (bottom is female super jamp, middle is male super jamp, and top is bp) they are 4X2 and the bottom is 5X2

this one is my female albino burms cage (8X4) she is around 9-10 feet and a few months over a year old.

on all the cages i did do one thing diffrently, i drilled a hole in the middle on the glass were the 2 pices over lap and put a little pin in so the glass cant slide out, there is a little ball that sticks out on the end with a sping under it so it cant slide out unless you give it a good pull

and those are my cages and although i have not had them very long they look like they might be the best i have bult.

04-25-04, 12:18 AM
Hey man good job :)

04-25-04, 05:26 AM
awesome, :)

04-25-04, 09:47 AM
Nice work. Congrats.

04-25-04, 12:53 PM
Awesome job Mike... I wanna come over and take a look at them :D

04-25-04, 08:47 PM
nice enclosure

04-25-04, 08:53 PM
Those are great! How did you drill the hole in the glass..did you get someone to do it for you? Is their a special tool?

04-25-04, 08:55 PM
Nice cages....My real question is how are you liking the super jamps ???

04-25-04, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Bartman
Those are great! How did you drill the hole in the glass..did you get someone to do it for you? Is their a special tool?

accualy there is a specal tool, you can buy them at hardwear stores, Home Depo and places like that. it is a specal drill bit for glass and tile, it's skinny and it has a dimond shaped think on the end. it worked great and i didnt crack one of them (also i am useing plexy glass)

04-25-04, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Big_V
Nice cages....My real question is how are you liking the super jamps ???

i really love them! the male prettyer than the female but they get prettyer with age (in my opinion) i had them tame for a wile. you would have to hook them out of the cage but once they were out of there cage they showed no sings of agreation. i have had them about a year and the male is 4-5 feet and the female might even be 5-6. they shot like rockets but there growth has really slowed down. i dont hold them often at all, if fact im not even sure if they are tame now. soon im going to get out the sweatshirt and garding gloves and see what i can do with them. but i have had no problems with them other than the female loves to burrow under the newspaper witch is kinda a eye soar and defets the purpose of the newspaper when the go under it to poo. ill take them out side to snap some photos and post them when i do.

04-28-04, 11:56 AM
Great job, they look fantastic. How are you heating them?

04-28-04, 03:49 PM
i have 2 feet of flexwat heat tape, also they are all hooked up to a proportional thermostat. I really love the thermostat because i dont have to ever worry if the themps are correct. but i didnt have to ajust the temps around, i thought i could just put the probe in the middle, set it on 85, and everything would be good??? well it ended up making the hot side at 97 and the cool side at 77, so i had to make the middle like 80 or something.

04-29-04, 12:16 AM
Nice! How much did materials cost for each cage?

04-29-04, 04:13 PM
sweet cages

04-29-04, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by FoShizzleDizzle
Nice! How much did materials cost for each cage?

with the 4X2 cages i was able to fit each cage on a 4X8 sheet of melemine and that was $25 for the sheet. the track for the 4X2 cages were around $5-$6 and im not sure about the plexy glass but i think it was like $10 and the silicone was like 2 bux per cage. plus odds and ends (screws, the vent covers ex.) so they total to around 50 bux per cage. and the 5X4 was around the same but i had extra wood lying around.

04-29-04, 08:50 PM
Cool, thanks. Again, nice cages...