View Full Version : Ball Pics

09-18-02, 10:19 PM
New little hatchling female...
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/2/22new01.jpg">

Another shot...
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/2/22new02.jpg">

Haven't posted any pics of Marvin in a while, its really hard to capture his colour in pics, but I came pretty close in this one...
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/2/22marvinpurty.jpg">

Marvin looking...
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/2/22marvinlooking.jpg">

Marvin getting weighed today - a whopping 1,266 grams...
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/2/22marvin1266.jpg">

...and measuring in at 4 feet! Not bad for a 16 month old male (who has had little appettite since spring)! :D
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/2/22marvincarpet.jpg">

Thanks for peeking ;)

09-18-02, 11:00 PM
nice shots!

09-18-02, 11:08 PM
Looks great! I like the yellow-ish color on Marvin's side. I also like the look of him when he's "looking". My bp was doing that a few days ago and he looked the the Loch Ness Monster.

Nice pics, Linds!

09-19-02, 04:45 AM
Very cool!!! oh yeah where did you get that scale?!?!?! i need to get something like that! :)

09-19-02, 10:48 AM
Thanks everyone! :)

LOL...fo sure...I never thought of it that way but they do look like the lochness monster when they are lokking like that :p

Awesome scale! It weighs in US/Metric, has a tare feature, hold feature, and weighs up to <B>13.2 pounds</B> in <B>1 gram increments!</B>. Best part of the deal is it was just under $100!!! <a href="http://www.canadianweigh.com/30016001TableScales.html">Here's the link ;)</a>

09-19-02, 03:53 PM
Good lookin snakes linds keep the pics cummin Hip

09-19-02, 04:32 PM
lol thats a cute looking ball. Very nice.!!!!

09-19-02, 06:27 PM
WOW Marvin is still gettin huge

09-19-02, 07:43 PM
what dolls, Marvin looks like my Leo, same tail at least!!

09-20-02, 08:20 AM
Thanks for the kind words! :)

09-20-02, 09:51 AM
JJ i bet Marvin is alot bigger tghen ur Leo..he is massive for a youngster