View Full Version : general waterdish question
04-24-04, 12:31 PM
I am using one of those water dishes that are tall, grey on the outside and blue on the inside..usually used for snakes..anyways..i was told it would be to big for my sand boa to see and take a drink but in about 4 or 5 days the water is gone. Could it have evaporated that quickly or did he just drink?
04-24-04, 12:52 PM
depends on how hot it was, and how much water was in there. I saw the pic of ur sandboa in the other thread, and he probably wouldnt have drank a whole lot of water. Nice sand boa by the way. MIke
04-24-04, 01:15 PM
Your water must have evaporated. Adam,I recommend you get a wide, low, glass ashtray from the dollar store and use that for your aquarium water bowl in the tank (if you insist on keeping it in a tank.) When you put fresh water in it you can gently put the sandboas head in the water and let it drink.
The water will dry out quickly but that is ok. Baby sandboas should be offered water once every week or two, especially if they aren't yet feeding. They get moisture from their food, so as they start eating regularily and growing the demand for water is somewhat less, but even adult Kenyans drink quite regularily.
Your big bowl will be fine once your sandboa is an adult.
Has it eaten for you yet?
04-24-04, 01:50 PM
no havnt tried since the day i got him...i tried live then..and now i cant seem to get any live so i guess i have to try FT...
04-24-04, 01:52 PM
he looks to be going into their anything special i nedd to do?
04-24-04, 10:27 PM
When the opaque stage is ending and the cloudiness goes away, the snake will be ready to shed within a few days.
Keep him moist for that period.
I usually just dump their water or pour a little under their hide. You could also put the little guy in a separate container with a moist area.
They usually shed without problems, however Kenyans sometimes get skin stuck on their head and eyes if its too dry.
Once they shed, they should be put back into dry surroundings. Keeping sand boas moist all the time can cause major skin problems.
04-24-04, 10:31 PM
Im to lazy to post a pic, but i changed his water dish to a tiny clay potting orange one. He drank from my hand and then later by him self. So thats good.
About the place for shedding. Do you have a picture or more detail on what exactly i should do, as im a little confused. Thanks so much for your help btw!
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