View Full Version : Thank-you Katt And Vanan!

04-24-04, 12:25 PM
Yesterday, Katt and Vanan came into town for the TARAS show; they're currently staying with us. As a token of their appreciation, the gave us a baby female Miami Phase corn snake. :)

I also purchased their big, beautiful Northern Pine Snake. It's an adult male, and he's got awesome colouration; he's black and pink. :)

He's really talkative, but he's a very gentle snake.

Thanks to Katt and Vanan, I'm now quite addicted to Pine Snakes. *L*

Thank-you very much guys for all the snakes and the good company! :)

We did get one more additional snake yesterday, but, I will leave that to Invictus to post about. :)

04-24-04, 03:25 PM

but where are the photos of the maimi and the pine?


04-24-04, 10:48 PM
My THX to Katt & Vanan for running the "additional snake" across town for me. It was probably worth it to see the look on Ken's face LOL Mark

04-25-04, 09:34 PM
LOL! Glad we could put a smile on a few faces.

Erin, welcome to the Dark Side! ;)

04-25-04, 10:19 PM
No problem guys!!! Thanks for letting us stay and putting up with my geeky attitude!!

Hope you enjoy the li'l corn!!

Scales Zoo
04-26-04, 02:46 AM
With those new purchases, you just bumped your sig up to 7 lines. There is a 4 line maximum, you have to sell some snakes :)

Or you could just use abreviations, like P. c. brightensteini and then buy more snakes.

Anyways, nice additions.


04-26-04, 05:05 PM
*LOL* Ryan! I had to do just that! I had to abbreviate everything in my sig!! *L*

04-26-04, 06:09 PM
Sigs still too long. Just use common names. It's not like you're keeping "green snakes" or something.