View Full Version : nasty,nasty poop,sick?

04-23-04, 06:01 PM
this is how his 2 mice came out

there was another bit of poop that was actually brown and some what solid but it lookd really wet like runny.

04-23-04, 06:30 PM
That is definately not a good thing. Id be having the vet check him/her out.

04-23-04, 06:53 PM
Yeah that doesnt look good. However it could be from something as simple as dehydration. Dont hold me on it but I think I read somewhere it can be mushy if the animals is dehydrated. Try giving him a soak in the tub, he will get a drink and it will get what ever else is in him out.

04-23-04, 07:08 PM
i will get him to the vet and i will try soaking him. the other day i saw him drinking, he was like a dog on a hot summer day that just came inside, was drinking non stop forever, it was atleast 5 minutes if not longer.

is it possible the mice were bad and for some reason they came out a mushy paste like that? i feed him FT and i noticed they smell weird but not like there bad, just when i dethaw them they smell like a wet animal, they look ok.

04-23-04, 07:15 PM
Mice do smell like that, yes... I don't think that's the problem. Bad mice would more likely be a regurge, not runny poop. He's probably just dehydrating, especially if it was that hot. However, being paranoid is NOT a bad thing... vets can tell you more than we can.

reptile boi
04-24-04, 12:11 PM
Sometimes snakes have runny stools because they have some sort of parasites in them, i would advise that you get a fecal done asap!


04-26-04, 03:57 PM
i dont have any fecal to take to the vet. also, he ate saturday, today is monday and he regurgitated the 2 mice. how can i find out of he has parasites now?

04-26-04, 08:38 PM
Well unless you have a microscope and the necessary equipment to perform a fecal flotation, you cannot find out for certain until you take him to the vet (unless he's so infested he has caterpillars crawling around in his poop :eek: ). Anytime a snake has a worrysome poop it should be bagged and refrigerated and brough to the vet asap. Although it is best to have a fecal, if it cannot wait or your snake simply won't give one, a cloacal wash can be performed.

04-26-04, 09:43 PM
a cloacal wash...does this get poop out? if so theres no poop in him to get out.