View Full Version : Anyone into Pinball?

04-22-04, 03:51 PM
Just thought I'd see if there were any Pinheads on this site since it has such a variatey of people on here. I love pinball, I've begun to start my own collection. I've managed to pick up my 2 favorites from when I was a kid. My first pinball machine is The Addams Family, and I just bought Terminator 2 hopefully I'll be picking it up this Friday. I've also got the old Street Fighter 2 arcade machine, my hobby really started with that one when I found a convience store selling it for $50. Picked it up, fixed it up myself and got it working again. It really can be rewarding and it really reminds me of the hours and hours I speant in arcades as a child.

So anyone else collect Pinball or Arcade Machines?

04-22-04, 03:53 PM
Where'd you get the Addams family machine, and what do they go for? I *loved* that machine. It was my favorite pinball game ever :)

I wouldn't mind getting an old Star Wars one either, or Crash & Burn from the early 80s. I used to play that one at Skate Country (a roller skate rink) in Charlottetown when I was 10 and visiting with my cousins :)

04-22-04, 03:59 PM
I got it off a distrubitor here in Toronto, if you lived in the area, once I finished repairing it I'd invite you to play a game if you wanted. :)

They usually go from anywhere between $2500 - $6000 USD depending on how good condition it is and if it the collectors item series or not. I picked mine up for just about $3000. Had a lot of work to be done, I'm currently replacing the main ramp, changed all the rubbers, lights, waxed down the playfield, bought a new electric chair, bought an uncle fester to sit in the chair, replaced the slingshot plastics and replaced one of the burnt out magnets under the playfield. Still havent been able to figure out how to turn the magnets back on since they were disabled by the guys I bought them off. They were heating up too much and burning the play field. I replaced the broken one but still can't figure out how to get it working.

But you can find them on Ebay as well, but finding one in your area is another story and if it's not within driving distance it costs an arm and a leg for shipping.

04-22-04, 04:03 PM
Those magnets were crazy powerful. I almost wet myself the first time the ball changed direction in the middle of the playing field as though it had been hit with a hammer, yet nothing had touched it.

Then I thanked my lucky stars that I don't have any metal implants :)

04-22-04, 04:07 PM
Yea I really need to get them repaired, it really does add quite a fun element too the game, excpet when they take the ball and toss it straight down the middle, that sucks! :D

04-22-04, 08:00 PM
I am looking for an old 80's Dragons Lair video arcade game :) It was the best as far as I am concerned :) I spent to many quarters on it when I was younger and I want REVENGE damn it!!!!!!!!

04-22-04, 08:43 PM
we have a couple arcade games, it's katey's hobby, not mine. starwars, and 2 other vector games plus elevator action (my favourite and gate of doom (what ever that is) and a stand up mame arcade machine.

04-22-04, 09:23 PM

Dragons Lair now there is an old classic. I remember that being a great game but very low on the replaplity scale. Once you got all the motions down once and played through the whole thing, never really felt the urge to play again. Don't know if you've looked much, but just doing a random yahoo search I came up with this...



Elavator action in a coin-op was before my time, I loved playing it on NES never saw it in an arcade, or gate of doom for that matter. Now the D&D Tower of Doom Coin-op that is another game I remeber spending way too much time playing.

04-23-04, 02:51 AM
You can get Dragon's Lair & DL2 for playstation I have them both. I remember when it first came out it was pretty cool. Mind you I remember when Space Invaders first came out too. The new PS version of it is kick@ss BTW & you can get newer versions of Missle Comand & others. Simpsons Road Rage is the best though. I'd love an arcade version of that one for the living room Mark

04-23-04, 06:42 AM
One Coin-op I've been trying to find but never had an luck is SuperSprint. Anyone remeber that racing game, with the 3 wheels for Red, Yellow and Blue, you pick up wrenches to power up your car. I've never seen it for sale anywhere.

04-23-04, 09:59 AM
"Ironman Bill Elliot's Off-Road Racing" used the same game engine with different sprites and a few minor physics effects, if I recall correctly.

I wouldn't mind building a stand up Mame box either. Or even better, one of the Japanese style sit-down arcade kiosks. Big screen, nice wide control area for the player and their friends, and chairs so you don't get tired of standing with your knees locked for hours on end :)

04-23-04, 09:47 PM
my fav pinball would have to be the kingpin or high speed chase forget what it was called exactly and then last action hero ,as the newer pinballs came out they had different style of games on the for instance do a search on south park pinball and it will tell you there is a few different play modes , i managed to get the guy to turn off the censorship for me it was funny as hell ooops forgot this was a family site but hey its south park

btw that 1 kicked a$$ too

does pinball wizard come to mind?

04-23-04, 09:47 PM
Thanks alot Vengeance there were alot of very cool games there I love the air hockey tables as well. I am thinking a new addiction may be comming on ;)

04-24-04, 07:04 AM

Ya, southpark pinball is another one of my list of pinballs to get. There is actually a profanity rom for the Terminator 2 pinball, I'm hopeing to pick it up off ebay in the near future.


Yea it really can turn into a new addicition. I've put a ton of work into my Addam's Family pinball and it really is fun to watch it all take shape. One of my favorite add on's I did to my Addams Family is I added an Uncle festor to the Electric Chair...


But I was able to pickup my Terminator 2 Pinball last night and I've been playing it for the last few hours, just grabbed a few pics of my 2 pinballs while I was at it to.


The front of the Addams familt looks all beat up because I took the lock down bar and glass off for the pic.


04-25-04, 09:25 PM
I found out what vector games katey has, major havoc and tempest (both before my time).

04-25-04, 09:30 PM
Awsome looking games Vengeance!!
where did you learn how to fix them?

04-25-04, 09:46 PM
Trial and Error after I bought them. They are not overly complex, just basic electrical, and the machine is run by a mini computer, and I work with computers so that came second nature. Just to give you an idea of what is under the hood of these things here is a couple of pics....



I'm by no means an expert but I can fix most things, don't think I could rebuild one from the ground up. But if you ever get into Pinball machines one thing I learned the hard way was, just because you switch the machine off, doesn't mean there still isn't a current running through the wires, zapped my self good a couple times that way :D