View Full Version : South American

04-22-04, 01:21 PM
hey..... does any body have or know of any south american turtles that are legal to own besides red foots and box turtles...im really interested
thnx in advance

04-22-04, 03:58 PM
Try going with Mata Matas. Cool turtles and legal.
For the record, red foots and box turtles arent south american herps..

04-22-04, 04:03 PM
Aren't redfoots found in Brazil, Paraguay, Panama etc.?

04-22-04, 05:36 PM
Ok sorry, Im stupid. heh I wasnt thinking on the red foot thing.. I was more along following boxies. Just ignore me. I just want to be seen..
Sorry for the misinformation.

04-23-04, 03:03 PM
ya srry about that...i was also a bit dumb and went a bit high on the map...wen i was talking about box turtles i ment the central american species....my fault...lol...i am ashamed of myself :(

04-23-04, 03:04 PM
arnt mata matas like a grand???? and i herd u need a permit for those if you live in mississauga ontario

04-23-04, 06:15 PM
I didnt know you were in Canada, so no idea on legalness.
Young matas are fairly cheap around 150-300$ (US) is what Ive been seeing for awhile.