View Full Version : Regurg?

04-21-04, 09:51 PM
I put a pinky rat in his enclosure tonight, he ate it.
Then he went into the hide that is around 69 degrees.
Will he not regurg his food because of this low temp? If so, why would he eat then go to the temp that low enough he can't digest it?

I also added another hide into the middle of the enclosure where it's at 80 degrees.

Thanks everyone

04-21-04, 09:54 PM
He will go where he wants!!! If all the proper temps are provided and hides, which they are, he can choose his own temp better than you can. They have lived thousands upon thousands of years without us putting them on the warm spot.


04-21-04, 10:03 PM
Thank you Marisa:)


04-22-04, 09:30 AM
There's nothing wrong with your snake. Mine will usually retreat to the cool side after eating as well, eventually moving over, how far over depending on the size of the meal. No regurges.