View Full Version : summer temperature

04-21-04, 07:12 PM

I have only been keeping cresteds since october, and a gargoyle since september.
I read EVERYTHING I can find on Rhacodactylus geckos. I often run into different opinions on the subject of temperature range.
can I hear some opinions form experienced keepers about
a) good temp range
b) temps that are too hot
c) temps that are too cold
I have read a huge range from mid 60's to 85F+

we have had a couple of warm days here in the sunny Niagara region (tuesday went up to 23C!) and my room seems to be getting warm. I have recorded temps up to 82C in my room this week (where i keep the geckos, University student and one of my roomates is a bit squeamish about reptiles, but i am slowly convincing him that they are misunderstood)

I am thinking I will have to move them to a cooler part of the house before really hot temps hit.

Also, i have been reading posts just now and read that 14cm (5.5inches or so) is a good size for a yearling female crested. how long does it take for htem to reach the full 7-10 inches? I was under hte impression that full size could be reached in 8 months to a year?

as always, your input is helpful and appreciated.


04-22-04, 08:22 AM
General day to day temps for Rhacs is the same as you - if you're comfy, they are too. All my Rhacs are kept at room temps - in winter it's 68-72F, in summer it's whatever the temperature gets up to since I don't have A/C. High comfy max for them is around 85F, above that they start to stress out. If you can't move them to a cooler area, then keep up the humidity, spray/mist the tank more often and provide more air circulation. If we have a heat wave, I have a fan going in the room, but not blowing directly at them.
Low temps in the mid 60's are okay for them too, they'll still be active and eating but it's not the best for long unless you're doing it to get the females to rest up and stop breeding.