View Full Version : 3 more sleeps until TARAS SHOW!!!

04-21-04, 06:41 PM
Its getting closer folks. Just hit the office depot for some stuff for the show & because I'm lazy I opted to hit the Walmart & dropped another $100 on Rubbermaid so I don't have to wash any for the show LOL Can never have enough Rubbermaid anyhow. I'm extra excited because I'm getting more Womas WOO HOO! Whats everyone else getting? Hope to see ya all there & don't be afraid to say Hi, I don't bite (hard) Heh Heh
Mark IsBell - GONE SNAKEE! >(

04-21-04, 06:44 PM
I'm getting one of your Womas. :D

04-21-04, 06:49 PM
I'm so excited. Hopefully I'll walk out with another pink toe T, right Invictus? ;) And I'll definitely be walking out with my first leo. :)

04-21-04, 06:58 PM
Let's worry about walking out ALIVE first. :D

04-21-04, 06:58 PM
So ya want to buy that extra male do ya Ken LOL We'll see how ya do with the big Jungle Carpet first : ) (opps does Erin know?)

Erin, Big Dan ought to have a whackload of Leos & 1 Armed Dan should be able to supply any spiders etc. required, but ya probably already knew that eh!

See ya all soon! Mark

04-21-04, 08:54 PM
We're still not sure if we're hitting TARAS or not. I think we're deciding Friday night. It's either TARAS or some more snakes. Not sure if you Calgarians are worth it! :p

04-21-04, 08:58 PM
Mark you lazy *******!!!! LOL! Sell me your old dirty Rubbermaids, haha!! 40 cents on the dollar!


04-21-04, 09:30 PM
Looking forward to the show....tis the season to start spending hehe. Hey Jeff are you making the trip out from the B.C? Can't wait to see everybody and maybe do some shopping

Scales Zoo
04-21-04, 09:49 PM
Well Jeff, I guess if you had 5 womas like Mark does (and a screamer diamond) you could just throw away Rubbermaids after each use too.

Maybe he's started collecting the things, I must have seen 200 clean ones, there, a couple of months ago.

I can't beleive, the show is on Saturday, and I am not having to pack a bunch of stuff and get everything ready - maybe I'll even enjoy the show for once.


04-21-04, 09:52 PM
Ahhhh Jamie, its going to be insanity around here for the next month or so. Plus not enough for sale to warrant the $1400 it costs to do the trip. I wish though. Good weather, good friends, reptiles, etc etc, ahhh man, it would be sweet to go.

Have fun though. Wish I was goin'!! :D

04-21-04, 09:55 PM
Ok Ryan, let's dress in all black and pull a late night Rubbermaid reconnaissance misson at Isbell's house! We'll use one of your Argus as a lookout! :D

04-21-04, 10:01 PM
For not going Jeff you seem pretty hyped.

I'm hyped! Argh!

What's typical to see at a spring show!

Scales Zoo
04-21-04, 10:01 PM
I'm already dressed in black (yes, really I am), but let's keep the mission top secret, o.k?


04-21-04, 10:54 PM
Heh heh...no one reads Isbell's posts! We're safe.

LOL, J/K. ;)

04-21-04, 11:03 PM
Dude I'm desperate for rubbermaids we'll take my car it's black and tinted out....... you don't mind splittiing three ways do ya?


04-21-04, 11:05 PM
Yea! Can't wait to see all the critters, and meet you lot. Plus, pick up some awesome animals!

Jeff, why would it cost you $1400 to get down there and get a table? Isn't that a bit steep?

One more sleep until the road trip... Man... 8 hours is a long drive. I'm so exited!!! :D

See you all soon. Exept you Jeff, which is a pity. :(
Ah well, I'll meet you one day to get some dum's or something. :D:D

04-21-04, 11:30 PM
Car rental for 4 days ($200, MINIMUM).

Gas...about $225, although that was last year's prices at about 75 cent/litre. Its now 90 cents/litre.

Ferry costs (I live in VICTORIA). Peak rates are in effect, so its $50 each way ($100).

3 days (nights) hotel. I don't like roaches, and I need reliable power to bring all the herps in and set up over night ($200).

Food. I guess I'd eat if I was home anyways, but eating out 3 times per day is costly. $30 per day x 4 days = $120.

Table at the show $20.

2 days off of REAL work ($250).

Am I missing anything else? I guess that's "only" $1100. Not bad. But when its April and I only have about $500 worth of stock for sale right now, I don't think I can justify the costs. I could take that $1100 and buy more snakes, more Rubbermaids, more thermostats, paper-stock, web advertising, heat tape, 36-inch hemostats, new printer, etc etc etc.

I'd LOVE to go, and I make the August show almost every year, but April is TOUGH for a Boid breeder. With nothing to sell until May at the EARLIEST, its an added cost that would just put me in the hole fo no benefit. And not being in the market for more snakes, I don't see flying out to the show and shipping animals back to meet me in Victoria.

I'll have to live vicariously through you guys until August! Someone take a BOATLOAD of pictures ( ala Shane)!! I don't want to miss anything!

Scott, I'm in! :D

04-21-04, 11:35 PM
And you guys say I'm a "Conspiracy freak" LOL I knew you only wanted to get close to me for my rubbermaids, you're all after them because your jealous that I have more than you Heh heh too bad almost all them are dirty DOH! Lets have a contest to see who has the most I must be a contender LOL See most of you too soon LOL Mark
P.S. BACK OFF! GET YOUR OWN SANDWICH, Container that is! Armed & dangerous?

04-21-04, 11:46 PM
Oh, ouch. I see Jeff. So you have to get the animals shipped back to you eh? Well, hope to see you at the fall show then! (if I go...)


04-22-04, 12:17 AM
3 more sleeps!!!! Man now you tell me I stoped sleeping last Friday to get things ready.LOL
Made a trip to Montana on Friday, Sask on Mon, Tue. Calgary Wed. and I think I'm at home now not sure but see when I wake up and who is beside me.LOL

04-22-04, 01:33 AM
Ok Ryan, you klonk him on the head and Scottie and I will make out like banditos. Rubbermaid Banditos.

Heh heh....

Tammy, I don't have to get the animals shipped back to me, but if I'm going and not selling animals, then I would just fly so I could basically leave the same day or the next morning. If I fly, then I would not feel comfortable with putting snakes in my pockets and then getting on the plane. LOL! ;)

04-22-04, 02:25 AM
I have a better idea!!! I'll call Mark, tell him to meet me somewhere for the Woma pick-up, give you guys the time and location. Then you guys ransack the place!!! I get half the loot plus a 5% finders fee! LOL
See you guys in a couple days and see you tomorrow Mark! Mwah haha


04-22-04, 03:15 AM
5% finders fee? Split 4 ways now!? Yeesh! Ryan, are we gonna end up with ANY Rubbermaids?? LOL!

Although, Alecia has a fool-proof plan...............even for fool like us! ;)

Scales Zoo
04-22-04, 09:18 AM
Of all of us, I think I'm the only one who knows where Mark lives.

I might just do the job the day before we planned, keep the rubbermaids myself, burn back to Saskatchewan and be the new Rubbermaid king! Mwah ha ha ha


Retic chic
04-22-04, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by gonesnakee
your jealous that I have more than you Heh heh too bad almost all them are dirty DOH!

Well, Mark, theres proof you STILL have too many indigos!

04-22-04, 10:26 AM

04-22-04, 01:16 PM
OK you guys still plotting againest me eh Heh Heh Well just in case I shoot someone ya had better send Favelle in first LOL Little does he know that the "Rubbermaid plot" is being plotted as part of a subplot to get Jeff outta his place so we can take all his Aussie Pythons LOL He'll show up at home with a hundred dirty RMs & no more snakes Heh Heh
Sheila is there such thing as too many Indigos? Too much Indigo poop maybe LOL You guys have more than me now anyway, for now : )
Walter, so who have you been waking up beside lately? For your sake it had better be Bonnie LOL I hear she can still kick your butt.
See ya all soon Mark >(

Greg West
04-22-04, 02:07 PM
I will have my camera and a couple batteries on the ready. And this year it is actually my camera and I won't leave it in the car the night before for someone to steal. I will make sure to get tons of pics ala shane. Dont know if I have time for captions, but I will get pics

Greg West

04-22-04, 03:03 PM
Just send 'em to me first. I'll photoshop pictures of various people inside python mouths. :D

Well... I'll put captions on 'em anyway, and put 'em on the TARAS website, hehe

04-22-04, 07:29 PM
LOL, Ken and his "man-eater" shots!

Ok Mark, that's not funny. Stealing is wrong. ;)

04-22-04, 07:29 PM
I am soooo excited!!! If anyone see's a little blonde running around and dragging her helpless b/f behind her, its probably me:) I finally got my reptile tattoo!!!! If I see anyone you are all more then welcome to take a look. It so pretty. I will be posting pics of it soon, I'm waiting for it to heal up so it looks even better:):)
See some of you real soon

04-22-04, 08:16 PM
We're totally stoked!

We're busy preparing for the show! Can't wait!! Hopefully I don't spend too much!!

04-22-04, 09:00 PM
One more night before we head out tomorrow!! Oh please God grant me sleep!!

04-23-04, 01:04 AM
Little blondes running around? I may have to attend the show after all.............

04-23-04, 01:10 AM
Are you going to SAY HI this time, Kara? :)

04-23-04, 01:49 AM
Well just got into Calgary tonight! It's BLOODY cold! How do you people live. Can't you at least turn the heat up for us woosy BC'ers. Tell Mark to post his pretty new snakes ;)


04-23-04, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by Leviathan
Well just got into Calgary tonight! It's BLOODY cold! How do you people live. Can't you at least turn the heat up for us woosy BC'ers. Tell Mark to post his pretty new snakes ;)


AHAHHA this is warm for april......

Mark post some pics will ya already :)

04-23-04, 02:14 AM
lol try living here during the winter. It got down to -56 with wind chill for about a week. Wonder how long it would take you BCers to turn into a big ice cube. lol :)

04-23-04, 02:27 AM
As requested, note that they both look all POed they weren't much liking me & my probing & picture taking LOL Mark
P.S. I'll post in the general Python forums for your "reviews" LOL

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/HIM.JPG"width="600">

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/HER.JPG"width="600">

04-23-04, 02:30 AM
NICE!!!!!!!! Mark

Good score...

04-23-04, 11:50 AM
Yes I will Invictus:) I have to show you be kicker new tat!!! And maybe anything I buy......I will be shot if I add anything more to my collection but who can resit a show!!!! See you there

04-23-04, 02:00 PM
I started making a list of what I am going to get at the show and then chucked it... I'm just gonna go with an armload of cash and buy as I see... LOL Then after all the buying is done figure out if I have any left to pay rent HAHA
Hmmm... Herps or housing... Hard choice ;)
See you all there!!!!


04-24-04, 02:05 AM
8 hours, 20 minutes LOL Mark

04-24-04, 03:00 AM
lol I cant seam to get to sleep so im just getting a glass of pop a bag of chips and a nice horror. It always seams to cause insomnia when the shows come up. But im a night person and dont need more than 6 hours of sleep a day so a couple of days without sleep will not be much of a problem.