View Full Version : My new Florida box turtle

04-21-04, 06:02 PM
well, I've been hunting down florida box turtles in pet stores and privite collections across Canada for many, many years. I now have my seventh animal.

A big THANK YOU goes out to Mike Ellioff of the Ontario turtle and tortoise society, for calling me when he parted with a few animals, and remembering my passion for this sub-species.

She is 6 years old, he grew her from a hatchling and she should be ready for my males in a couple years or so.....The room she's in is 82 degrees and 70% humidity, and her belly is filled with yummy earthworms, so no wonder she has a big smile on her face LOL enjoy....



04-21-04, 06:11 PM
Amazing! If I was to get a turtle again that's what I would want.

04-21-04, 07:09 PM
She's beautiful! Congrats on the new addition!

04-23-04, 02:56 PM
Nice FL boxie Chris... need more pictures. That picture just wets our appetite. She looks really nice - colours. :)


04-25-04, 11:31 PM
She's waaaaaay too cute! Best of luck with her, hope you produce some beautiful little babies to match!

Tim and Julie B
05-16-04, 04:47 AM
Very nice one off the few N. American species i don't have yet......mmm now I know why..some one keeps buying them all!
Very nice species and large for a box turtle. My Gulf coast male is a big boy as well. Twice the size of the three toes and Easterns. Hurry up and breed them!!TB