View Full Version : Once bitten, twice shy...

09-18-02, 05:20 PM
How many times has everyone taken a hit from one of their reptiles????

09-18-02, 06:18 PM
With my current collection over the last couple of years I have yet to get bitten. I've had enough snakes and lizards that have tried though. Hopefully with some luck and skill it'll stay that way for a while to come.

When I was young is a whole different story though. I'd have to say I was bitten hundreds to thousands of times by garters and milks. :p

09-18-02, 06:18 PM
Too many and not enough :D LOL...more than I could even remember, that's all I know....:p

09-18-02, 06:45 PM
I get hit by one of my critters at least once a day. My hands are starting to look pretty rough. Seems every snake I own is cute and cuddly before I buy it and something changes once they come through the door to their new home.

Scotty Allen
09-18-02, 07:16 PM
Way too many to remember, stopped counting probably 25 years ago.

09-18-02, 11:07 PM
I recieved 2 hunger bites from my cb 02 texas ratsnake before I had the chance to feed him LoL

09-19-02, 05:37 AM
Both of our milk snakes are like little sewing machines... they have their good days and they have those days that they could make a good living in a piercing salon.... five-ten minutes of handling is about all they will tolerate... and then it's like tryng to hold onto a hot potato the whole time.


09-19-02, 06:49 AM
lol Ive been bitten too many times! Probably about 10 times in the past by my colloection of animals .. (EXCLUDING my rock - he has gotten me over 50 times in the past 8 month - alhought he has never gottan me when I dd not want him to get me - Im trying to tame him down - its not working!) ..

And too man times at the zoo .. I am a walking scar .. lol

09-19-02, 07:29 AM
the only one of my repties that has bitten me was one of my cane toads, and it's because I was holding a mouse at the time....also, they don't really have teeth per se, so no harm done. I was bitten by a baby chameleon at work once, and the little blighter didn't let go for a couple of minutes!!!

09-19-02, 04:00 PM
I was bitten by a milk snake ....repeatedly several years ago but he was a temporary capture and soon released. As for my actual pets, only once and that was only a graze on my leg by my 7 foot boa. Its amazing that a graze can release so much blood. oh well, it is much less painfull or damaging than the dog bites I have received.

09-20-02, 05:29 PM
I've never been bitten, but our dog did, when he tried to lick one of our snakes.

09-20-02, 08:57 PM
When you rescue reptiles and they're "nice" it ussually meens they are on the sick side (depending on herp of course)
So I normally welcome the hit and misses. my 5.5 ft blue ornate nile just wacked my hand so bad (my fault - long story)
But I wonderfully got to have necroptic tissue removed from my hand the following day.!
You gotta love em'
and the great stories you can tell along with the scars...lol

09-21-02, 12:52 PM
My ball python bit me in the store when I first bought him. I barely felt it. I've had him for about a year now, and he bit me again the other day. That one I felt, because he's a lot bigger and his teeth are like a bunch of little needles. I was surprised because he's usually so calm. He's never balled up like they're supposed to when they're scared. That's all.

09-23-02, 05:18 PM
wow i did not know we were such sadist's

10-06-02, 07:39 AM
I've never been bitten by my snakes until I got my new baby milk snake (pueblan). He's quite tiny and very feisty! The little bugger bit me a couple of times but it didn't hurt, it was actually pretty funny to see the little guy do it! Just hope he calms down with handling when he gets older :)

10-06-02, 10:38 AM
Pixie, I hear ya. I have a couple of Honduran Milks like that. Thay are beautiful snakes, but they are freaky little buggers. I really hope they calm down with age.