View Full Version : My blood is so tame!

04-21-04, 04:37 PM
Hey everyone!

Last night E.R.A.S. had one of the monthly member meetings and I decided to bring my blood along. Well, I had her out for 2 hrs and a couple people held her and she was soooooo good! Never struck once, just got into an S position a few times when I was holding her cause she was nervous otherwise she was great! Haha just thought I'd ramble.


04-21-04, 05:10 PM
I think bloods (Sumatrans anyway) have a very undeserved nasty reputation. Mine is completely calm as well, as is the one I have on the way, as are all of my borneos, as are about 90% of the sumatran reds that I've personally encountered.

A good friend of mine put it best - Bloods are the most honest snakes out there. If they are annoyed with you, you will KNOW it. :D

04-21-04, 06:21 PM
Lol! Definetly! Mine is actually a malaysian but not difference she is still great! I've seen some pretty bad bloods but most are pretty good. I've actually got her sitting on my lap right now! Shes a little nervous but alright. BTW: Thank-you soooooo much for reccomending sphagnum as a substrate! She(my blood) ABSOLUTELY LOVES IT!

From some of your descriptions i've seen in other posts, your little red sounds almost the same as mine in terms of temperament and habits. My blood is by far my most favorite animal in my house, and believe me, I have LOTS of animals!


04-21-04, 06:32 PM
Oh believe me, my red blood is even more calm than yours. :) She even lets me touch the back of her head... not even a little bit nervous.

As for the moss, no problem. :) Works absolutely marvelously doesn't it?

04-21-04, 07:23 PM
when having a blood python do you have to have the moss? Or can you use news paper? Do you have pics of some simple set ups?

04-21-04, 08:19 PM
My blood (sumatran red) is also very calm. She's just started the
"huff and puff" on occasion when I get her out, but is really good. I also agree that you KNOW when they want to be left alone, over and above the hissing, they give you that dead-man stare!
That's when you leave them alone..
Invictus, thanks also, for leading me down the moss route. She just loves to bury herself...

04-21-04, 10:50 PM
I am glad to see that people are realizing that bloods are actually a pretty calm and docile snake...I think that with some of the imports and CH they got that reputation of being nasty. I have 3 bloods and they are all awsome...a little hissy buy just like a fat ball python.

As with substrate I use newspaper with no moss or humid hide...I use big water dishes to keep that humidity up and it works great for me


04-22-04, 03:19 PM
I used to be using paper towel(moist) but yes the moss is FABULOUS! Every time I check on her, the moss has imprints(shes fat and makes tracks in it when shes on top) and I re-adjust it so its poofy and i check lesss than 12hrs later and its got tons of tracks again. She moves ALOT now!

Ken: I touched the back of my bloods head a few times and the most she has done lately is that "dead-man" stare Ax. is talking about, and she only did it 2, at the meeting, cause of all the people and little kids running up and touching her(though I tried to tell them to calm down, nicely ofcourse). Haha, so does that count? I take her out without a hiss, puff, or any pick up "utensil"(sp?) as I may call it.

Jamie: I agree with you and it is good to see people beginning to see that bloods are nice. I was ready to cope with a more "agressive" specimen but turns out all the ones I've seen are great! Your bloods are definetly awesome!



04-22-04, 03:39 PM
The thing I like the most about the moss, especially within a rubbermaid is, I mist it once a week. It doesn't get any nicer than that as far as low maintenance goes. :)

04-23-04, 04:03 PM
Agreed! Well besides the waterbowl changing ofcourse. Thats what I do, i have a rubbermaid, its 20-24 inches long, 18 inches wide, and has a 4 inch waterbowl in one corner. That keeps the general humidity up a little bit more, and 1 misting a week, keeps perfect humididty. The cage is about 5 inches tall and I have about 3 inches of moss in there.
