View Full Version : breeding corns, help. Please

04-21-04, 11:12 AM
I have two corns at the moment, and lately my female has seemd to have 'filled out' and if i look i can see bumps along the lower half of her body, she is about 3years old, and about 3ft(90cm). she has become restless and digs.
The thing is my snakes have not been hibernated over the winter but hav been cooled slightly. Is it still possible for them to breed? They have never breed before and i havent seen any sighs, but ive been on holiday!
Advice would be great
Thanks alot

04-21-04, 11:15 AM
They need no hibernation. I have 2 gravid females and none of them were cooled.

One just layed yesterday, you should prepare a laying box for her ASAP.


04-21-04, 11:21 AM
None of my corns were cooled either, and I now have (I'm pretty sure) a gravid female. If your snake is already showing bumps, watch for a shed. That will be the pre-lay. But some snakes skip that, so getting a nesting box going is not a bad idea.

04-21-04, 11:25 AM
i already have one set up with vermiculite and moss, whats the best form of incubation? any tips, because ive heard u can keep the eggs in a rummermaid, holes etc in the tank with temps 70-89, any tips? thanxs again

04-21-04, 11:29 AM
Oh ya, you remind me of something Invictus :)

She had her shed on April 6th and layed on the 20th.. I heard it's beetween 10 and 14 days..

So,, Nic.. if she had a shed recently... it's coming :)

For the tips... I'll pass :) it's my first time so I,ll leave these questions to the more experienced.


04-21-04, 11:43 AM
89 would be too high, I think. As per a discussion in another forum, Vanan pointed out that they can incubate as low as 67 degrees, but this will of course add more time. I'm personally going to be incubating them in my heated room, which varies between 78 and 82 degrees.

04-21-04, 12:39 PM
ok well is it ok if it jumps between? or does it have to be right on the same temp?

04-21-04, 01:05 PM
I think a little bit of temp variation is ok... drastic changes can't possibly be good for them. It's better to keep them cool and consistent than warm and fluctuating, from what I've read/heard/talked to other breeders about. :)

04-21-04, 01:09 PM
My eggs last year had HUGE fluctuations. I didn't want them too but they did. I incubated in a warm room.

Let me tell you, its a LONG wait that way sometimes. My eggs took 87 days to hatch!

This year I will be setting up a incubator.


04-22-04, 09:25 PM
AS invictus said, 89 is too hight you could lost your eggs, but cooler temps just add more day before hatching. I keep mine in 79 to 83 i try not to go higher but the room temp in day time go around 85 so it's a bit hard, i just had some cold water to the incubator so i can keep it around 83. If every thing is ok i should have 20 corn around 18 may and no i did not cool down my snake.

04-23-04, 02:21 PM
ok, well thanxs anyway for all your help, if any1 has any good tips for me then PLEASE e-mail me! :D thanks again!
Nicola xxx

04-23-04, 02:22 PM
y did i put kisses??? sorry must of thort i was writing an e-mail! lmao!!!