View Full Version : python organs?

04-20-04, 02:43 AM
I just herd that after a large Indian rock python eats its meal, it lets it organs waste away, then regrows them with its next meal:eek:
Has any one ever herd this before? I thought it sounded amazing

04-20-04, 11:20 AM
If a snake's organs "wasted away", it would die. That said, many organs store energy in or around them. The liver for example stores energy in the form of glycogen. I can see this glycogen being depleted between meals.


04-20-04, 01:29 PM
Hah, thats nuts! As said the animal would die.


04-20-04, 01:46 PM
And just where did ya hear this LMAO Mark

04-20-04, 02:08 PM
What a hoot! What would keep it alive while its organs were wasted away? And with what would it regrow them all? LOL.

04-20-04, 05:43 PM

04-21-04, 09:11 AM
Hey I was as suprised as you all sound, but it was from a tv herpetologist, Mark 'O' Shea, and obviously hr was talking about wild RP, as a captive bred snake would never have to wait that long for a meal.
But he was also talking about snakes being the most extreme in nature when it comes to levels of activity and periods with out food, and unlees we have studied this, who are we to say this dosent happen,
Maybe he just meant the organs get smaller? Im not sure how well I quoted him so this may not be exactly what he said, your gonna have to watch the program for your self:)
But it is for sure we dont know how snakes can survive for so long with out food, or there formular for this, coz this would surely be the answer to youth and longivity? would love somone to shed some scientific light on this topic:)

04-21-04, 09:35 AM
If you kill a spider, it'll rain. Never go outside with wet hair, you'll catch 'the pneumonia'. Don't sit on public toilet seats, you'll get the clap. Find a penny, pick it up and all that day you'll have good luck. Never walk under a ladder. You can add yours into the mix wherever you wish....

04-21-04, 11:01 AM
In reguards to this, I think what is meant to come across here is that any animal that goes for a long enough period without food will literally start to use its own body as "fuel". Fat reserves in & around organs & actual muscle tissue will eventually start to break down to try & keep the animal going as it has no other source for nutrients etc. & once the animal actually eats these things are the first to begin to regenerate again. I think this is what it was meant to get at here, not the actual total use & regeneration of organs. There is actually scientific theory here, but wasn't brought across right. Mark