View Full Version : Albino Kenyan

04-20-04, 02:00 AM
I'm really looking forward to producing these.
It probably wont be till 05, but I've had my first breeding to one of my Nuclear females, so with luck I'll produce some hets this year.
I feel that most Albino Kenyans currently on the market are pretty drab,(read ugly) and could benefit greatly by being crossed into my high orange line..
I'm hoping that should make specimens even nicer than this one. This is my female freshly shed and looking the best I've seen yet.
I'm also holding back specimens that tend toward striping with the plan to inject the amelanism gene into them as well, so I think striped albinos with a bright orange swath down their back could be quite exciting.

04-20-04, 02:27 AM
wow! thats a verry nice snake, i love orange in snakes

04-20-04, 03:32 AM
oh wow~
I didn't even know that albino kenyan could be so nice looking!
what great looking snake!

04-20-04, 04:40 AM
Ok so my wish list goes, amel kenyan, then rubber boa! Say how are the Coco Kenyans doing?
Very nice Roy,

04-20-04, 10:29 AM
Drooooooool..................... :D

04-20-04, 10:41 AM
That's amazing Roy. By far the most gorgeous amel Kenyan I've ever seen, but I can't say it's surprising, coming from your collection. Do let me know when you have hets available, ok? :D

04-20-04, 05:39 PM
Nuclear albinos would definitely be an impressive sight!