View Full Version : spectacled caiman

04-20-04, 01:37 AM
My husband and I are looking at a 30" spectacled caiman. We have been told to make the owner an offer. Only problem, we have not the first clue as to the going price for caimans. Any suggestions would be great. Thanx

04-20-04, 02:19 AM
The only one's I've seen for sale were in a local pet store a couple of months ago. They were selling for $170 and were about a foot long. I'm not sure what bigger ones would go for though.

04-20-04, 02:41 AM
would probably make a difference if it was male of female, aswell as age and size (and if had bred before, which could be a good or bad thing-might be a proven breeder, or very old and burnt out)
ask them lots of quistions:)

04-20-04, 03:02 AM
a good friend of mine has 3 spectacled caiman which he purchased from a local pet shop for about $160 each at a length of about 10 inches.

04-20-04, 03:06 AM
Spectacles have gone up due to the ESA being bored.
Here in the US Spectacles are now being offered for about 2-300 at being that size. I think Ive seen them at around the 400 mark..
Sex doesn't seem to matter on pricing, neither does the Proven/unproven thing.

If I were you, I would offer what you feel the animal is worth.
