View Full Version : New Corn!!!

04-20-04, 12:19 AM
This is my first snake, and she is a beautiful Sunglow. Her name is Scarlet for her beautiful red and orange colouring, and red eyes. I have only had her for about 4 or 5 hours and she LOVES me...for the past two hours she has been sleeping on my left hand, so I have to type with one hand :D I took some pictures of her with my webcam, some of her snoozing on my hand. I really think she and I will have a strong bond in the years to come :D Here is the link to her pics. http://groups.msn.com/notaprettygirl/scarletthecornsnake.msnw?Page=Last

04-20-04, 12:28 AM
Great pics. how big is she.

04-20-04, 12:35 AM
not too sure on the exact length, but she is quite small maybe a little over a foot. She was one of the smallest of her clutch, which I wanted ^_^

04-20-04, 12:52 AM
corns are cool snakes i dont have any but i would like to get some.

04-20-04, 01:33 AM
You totally should get one or two. I have never owned a snake before but I will tell you that already I am stoked to have such a wonderful and fascinating creature. :) oh btw my real life last name is Parker ;):p

04-20-04, 01:42 AM
really how old are you im 22 and im from Pa

04-20-04, 01:59 AM
21 and from VA :)


I just found out something that sucks...when I got my snakes vivarium set up I realised I left the heat lamp in the car, so I go out to get it and it is not in the car. I must have accidently forgotten it on my way out (there were quite a few bags) and there is the possibility that it they didnt even scan it at all... in any case I have no heat lamp for my snake overnight, so I have been keeping the windows open to warm the room (its been really warm these past few days and nights) and put a heating pad under part of the vivarium on a medium setting. I don't know if one night without a heat lamp will hurt the snake. Also I am not too sure on where I should place my thermometer, and do I need just the one, or would two be a better idea?

04-20-04, 02:44 AM
one on the warm end, one on the cool end sou you could keep track of both temps, but you could prob just use one, if the room doesn't get to cold i dont think it would be a problem for the snake. hope this helps

04-20-04, 09:06 AM
Usually an under-tank heater will be suffice on it's own, no need for an overhead lamp :) As mentioned, most critical is knowing the temps of the hot side.. place the thermometer on the bottom of the enclosure - where the snake is - to get a more accurate reading. The cool side can be room temperature (low 70s is fine).

04-20-04, 10:54 AM
usually a UTH or human heat pad is better than a over head light. A uth can be left on 24hrs a day. All you would need is a lamp dimmer to keep the temps where they need.

A digi thermometer would be helpful to, just put it right over the UTH and it should start telling you the temps.

Also with new snakes it is usually best to leave them alone for 2 wks so they can acclimate. They can become stressed out. Then not handle them until they've ate 4 times in a row (once a week so 4wks) then start a regular handling scedule of about 10 minutes every other day. Not handling her the day of feeding and not handling her for up to 2-3 days after feeding.

BEAUTIFUL little corn, They are addicting. :)

04-20-04, 10:59 AM
wow beauty
cant wait to get mine in sept=)
good luck.


04-22-04, 05:29 PM
Hope you post pics!

04-22-04, 05:44 PM
i will dont u worry!
i cant let u guys have all the fun...lol

im sooo exited but i have soo long to wait

04-22-04, 06:00 PM
awww, why so long of a wait?

04-22-04, 06:05 PM
im going to newfoundland for the summer so i can't get it from simon till sept. (after i get back)
im getting a miami phase "i asked for a slightly darker one" :)
ill be getting him at the sept show.

04-22-04, 06:06 PM
ahh I see. completely understandable, what does the miami look like?

04-22-04, 06:14 PM
well its not even layed yet (the female that was supoed to have his clutch last time i heard was egg bound)

i saw slightly darker miami pic on one of simons posts and asked if he could try and get me one and he saided hed try im 6th on the list so i have a pretty good chance of getting exacty what id like
