View Full Version : Mealworm beetles??

04-19-04, 01:15 PM
Is it alright to feed the fully grown mealbeetles to my beardie? If not, whats the best way to get them to breed?

04-19-04, 01:18 PM
You can feed them to him but they are not as nutritional as the mealies themselfs.

Here is a link to how I set up my mealie bins, they take care of the rest. All i do is clean out dead bodies and feed some carrots and greens.


04-19-04, 01:19 PM
i dont know if it is safe to feed them but to breed put a bunch of them in a rubbermaid bin with no lid. Substarte should be rolled oats, wheat germ, fish flakes, and other types of oats. Then offer moist foods all the time such as caroots. Just leave them there and you will have a bunch of baby mealworms. NOTE: it takes a couple months before you even start seeing any baby mealworms.

04-19-04, 07:06 PM
i regularly feed the beetles to my chinese water dragon, savannah monitor and sometimes my red belly turtle. i have been doing this for about 2 years btw.

04-19-04, 07:30 PM
From my experiences its hard too stop the buggers from breeding, I once put about 30 tiny worms that were too small too feed into a coffee tin with about 3 inches of oat meal too eat an grow, I feed them pieces of potatoes the would completely dry out then id put in another, not log after I was cleaning and they ended up on the top shelf of a closet, found it a ear later I had done NOTHING forgot I even owned them there were hundreds of the things, nice little surprise for me, for breeding now them I would suggest a Rubbermaid, a bag of oatmeal, and a couple slices of potato don’t leave moldy veggies in there makes a mess and tends too kill them and if you keep the container heated they tend too grow and breed at a higher rate, mine are kept in my reptile room, it's always above 20 C in there works fine for me although I believe warmer speeds up the process, good luck,