View Full Version : Importing?

04-18-04, 07:53 PM
from what i've heard, a permit is needed to import turtles from U.S.A. to Canada. I was just curious if anyone knows what is needed to obtain one (permit) in Ontario, and are there any rules or regulations on this permit about reselling the turtle, selling its offspring, ect.?

Scales Zoo
04-18-04, 08:37 PM
You need to get a CFIA permit, which can be printed off from the net, and found here http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/anima/heasan/import/permit_covere.shtml

Up until 2 years ago, you could not resell the turtle, or import for other people - and needed the permit to say that you could breed the turtles, in order to sell c.b offspring.

I have heard that this may have changed recently, I would suggest finding a phone number on the link I provided and asking your closest office - they give different answers on different days, in my experience.

I know of one recent case, where the permit only took a week to get.

If you are dealing with a species on the CITES list, you will need CITES paperwork as well.


05-08-04, 10:28 PM
How much will a permit like that cost you? The cites one as well plz. Will these permits allow you to import how ever many animals of different species you like, or are there limitations? THanks
