View Full Version : Amazing Expo!!!

04-18-04, 12:42 PM
Just got back from the expo, Thumbs up to the orginizers it was amazing love the amphitheater! wanted to stay for the ball python morph talk but i had to go. I picked i up a beutiful female ball python( Starburst) from port credit pets. Its awsome to see all the new vendours that never had a chance to go the other times due to space. Anyways just thought i'd give my 2 cents on an amazingly set up expo. Hats off to the orginizers!
btw what did everyone else get?
Rock on

04-18-04, 12:49 PM
Just got back, and I'll say it was great! Wanted to pick up a female ball but no cash this time :( Just ended up gettin feeders. Cant wait till june!

04-18-04, 01:04 PM
I got a kenyan sand boa!! I was so happy, have been waiting about a month to get one and really i wasnt expecting to get anything but feeders. I just saw one and fell in love with it :) Couldnt say no...my dad killed me btw lol


04-18-04, 02:15 PM
Hey Adam,

Where did he come from? Looks like a Stockwell Nuclear to me.

04-18-04, 02:25 PM
awsome show! Got me three little painted mantella frogs. The only thing I did not like about the setup was that each row was short, so you kept comming to the end after like three vendors. Although that really is not a big deal, and overall I was extreemly pleased.

04-18-04, 02:43 PM
I was a good show...best so far, I got a Stockwell Nuclear , and an Anery KSB, on top of supplies.


04-18-04, 02:59 PM
I bought it from PCPC...great price and great condition...

04-18-04, 03:01 PM
I got a heat gun and 3 dragons from ICULIZARD :D

04-18-04, 03:35 PM
Is that it Brian! No Miamis or Rosy Boas or Rubber Boas? Say it aint so Brian, say it aint so!

04-18-04, 03:38 PM
Great show, it was really busy. Didn't buy anything though, bought enough last week.;) Congrats to all who organized, very well done!

monitor boy
04-18-04, 04:18 PM
it was a good show little packed but it was still pretty good
came home with a bunch of feeders and a water monitor

04-18-04, 04:27 PM
LoL oops, my bad


04-18-04, 04:36 PM
hey Aidan,
errr nickys wishfire on this site, it's kayla the one next to her lol. Crazy trantula you have by the way looks amazing.

04-18-04, 04:56 PM
I agree! It was an amazing show. I didn't buy anything though. But now I am seriously considering of getting some bearded dragons from ICULIZARD and two Corn Snakes from 'James and Lisa' (<-- not a business). I am also thinking about getting something like a hedgehog after seing the one that
Critters (Marty Cummings) had.

Kudos to the organizers, and I can't wait 'till the show in June!

Drew S
04-18-04, 05:01 PM
Didn't sell all that much, just a few snakes, but I picked up:

1 High Gold Female BP
1 50% Poss. Het for Caramel Male BP
1 Leucistic Male Texas Ratsnake
1 Female Jungle Leopard Gecko
1 Hermit Crab

But it was a fun (and long) day. Got to talk to lots of new people :D

04-18-04, 05:14 PM
the show was great! packed all day and never a moments rest! Its a miracle I walked away with only a bunch of feeders!lol...well....I did win a smokin' t-shirt...that was perty cool....I usual have bad luck in gambling..lol

04-18-04, 05:19 PM
damn it i was looking for a camain but i could not find one

04-18-04, 05:19 PM
I really enjoyed the show, especially because it was so well organized. I picked up a juvenile Irian Jaya Blue Tongue Skink, an adult male African fat tail gecko and a (probably female) Aft that's het. for amelanistic from Painted Desert Geckos. Oh, and a heck of a lot of crickets that are currently singing their hearts out. Awesome show!

04-18-04, 05:42 PM
it was a great show! we picked up a female ball, a probe set, some sphagnum moss, a cork bark hide, and nearly my girlfriends weight in frozen bunnies :P

04-18-04, 05:45 PM
It was a great show!! Great crowd!!!
We had a great time!!!

Thanks once again Grant and everyone else involved.

Paul and Lorraine Gillard

04-18-04, 05:53 PM
i liked the speakers-that was great!Nice to see some faces i dont see much either.
I was very well behaved and only bought a Uroplatus lineatus male and some crickets.

04-18-04, 07:05 PM
I had a great time, nice to have seen some people I knew, I did not meet alot of the people from ssnakess though it was hard to know who was who. Next time everyone will have to come say hello as I am fairly shy in real life ;)

It was a great show!! Thanks to all involved :)

04-18-04, 07:11 PM
I'm happy I got to meet a few people again and some for the first time. People like Lex, Nick, Dave, Kayla, Sue, Rob, Linds, Yve, and Nicky. I had a great time and brought home quite a haul. Thanks guys,


04-18-04, 07:21 PM
That was the best PC show I'd ever been to!! Still not quit the calibre of our American neighbors expos but give it time! I purchased a het amel fat tail gecko, a hovabator and the usual box-o-crickets. Found everything I needed and lots I just wanted but couldn't afford. Way to go Grant!!

04-18-04, 07:23 PM
I agree, awesome show! I picked up a female ball python and an Andean Milksnake, both are so far amazing snakes. Let's just hope the ball will eat for me :s.

04-18-04, 08:13 PM
Definitely the best show I've been to yet!!! I had a great time except my legs are a little tired running back and forth trying to get reception and other things for Mr. Kameka :P:P:P I picked up a pair of het albinos from Chris Marshell and I won a picture that I have been harassing Steve about for the past 3 shows lol I was hoping to pick up another pair of boas but that didn't go as planned. I'm really looking forward to the next expo, hopefully someone will have some aneries.

Great Job Grant and everyone else at PCPC!!!


04-18-04, 08:34 PM
Yes, the show was awesome! Although I didn't meet everybody who I wanted to meet, I sure had a blast! There were SO many amazing animals! I should have brought more money... but at least I brought home an adorable black widow spider named Shelob.. she's amost full grown. GORGEY-ORGEOUS!! The Arachnophiliacs table was sick. I saw a P. METALLICA for the first time in person... I almost died!!!! I also have tons of other animals on my wishlist now... so yeah, overall, an awesome show!! Oh and Aidan.. what about me?? I AM your sister, afterall... ;)

04-18-04, 09:03 PM
Thanks all for the positive feedback with the Expo. Its nice to hear after the long hours. The new facility really sets a whole new standard for Expos here in Ontario. When it comes down to each expo though its the team that is behind the scene that counts. The heart and sole of each event are close friends helping out to make each Expo a special day for all to enjoy. Please allow me to offer some special thanks to Tony L, Roy S, Steve Marks, Corey W, Matt K, Nick, Darryl, Margaret B, PAPA Horgan, Joe, Barb, Jeff, Vince, Mark, Kurtis, Matt R, Melly and the Snake Bar team Devin and Steven F. As well the guys at Bar B Q who were overwhelmed all day LOL, but made some kick a** steaks on request.

A gratious thanks to Neil Meister, BAZ, Wes Papineau and MR Ralph Davis who all made some fabulous presentations!

Please feel free to email me your suggestions on how to better the Expo. I look forward to seeing everyone again on June 13th.

Grant Crossman

04-18-04, 09:04 PM
You deserve a grammy!!!!! :D

But an EXCellent show yet again! Cant wait for the next one...

04-18-04, 09:13 PM
Oh, well, If you are my sister than I didn't really need to meet you then eh? You're kinda always there then, eh? :P


04-18-04, 09:23 PM
I had a great time except my legs are a little tired running back and forth trying to get reception and other things for Mr. Kameka

Nick, your help did not go un-noticed, Thanks a lot Bro i really appreciate it..

Grant, it's a pleasure just being a part of the show.. Anytime you need help, you know my number :D..

The show was definatly one of the best i have been to.. Had a great time hanging out with everyone, even IF Marisa is a loud mouth.. Had a great time, came home with nothing but it was all worth it in the end :D

04-18-04, 09:25 PM
The show was great :) and what a turnout!

I wish I'd brought more money. After pickng up the aspen, labdiet, and a bromeliad for my gf's dad, I was busted.

Not that I have room for anything else at the moment, but the desire, no the *NEED* was there :)

Looking forward to the next one.


And it was cool to finally meet a few of you :) There were other faces in the crowd I recognized or found familiar, but I feel weird going up and saying "Hi, aren't you so and so?"

And thanks Chappy for the hand carrying stuff out to the car :)

04-18-04, 09:28 PM
Looks like I missed a great show! :( Congratulations to Grant and Associates! :D

04-18-04, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by Emily-Fisher
I brought home an adorable female black widow spider!!
For the record, and for those people PM'ing me, it was not I who sold Emily a Black Widow. I would not sell a venomous animal to a minor. I am sure Emily can vouch for this as I wasn't even at the show today....

04-18-04, 09:50 PM
Yea Ryan didn't have anything to do with it.. in fact, I respect him a great deal for not selling me the widow. Afterall, he was doing it for my own safety. But I showed my parents many pages about them and expained to them that they are a dangerous species and all that jazz, but they still agreed to letting me own one.

04-18-04, 09:50 PM
Chappy!! I'm really glad you won that picture! It seemed everyone won what they really wanted to. It wasn't fixed - honest :) Great Show Mr Crossman!! Kudos to all who helped overnight (the unsung heroes!)


04-18-04, 09:56 PM
It was an awesome expo :D I picked up an adorable crested gecko from Dragndrop :)

Plus I got to hang out with Matt all day, what could be better? :D

It was great to see everyone AGAIN!

04-18-04, 10:11 PM
LOUDMOUTH! Oh that's it Matt_K "supermoderator" That's the last time I spend my time next to you at a show. Hmmphh.

I had a good time! It was WAY better at this venue. Great job people!


04-18-04, 10:17 PM
Yep, just one of those things that looks bad on paper.... but I would have loved to have provided Emily with one of my Widows. I have no doubt that the Widow will pose no risk to a mature person such as Emily. It just made me uncomfortable, her safety was my number one priority.
Good luck Em, you'll have fun with her.

04-18-04, 10:19 PM
Sounds like I missed a great show -- definitely have to try and make it out for the next one! :D


04-18-04, 10:30 PM
All I can say is WOW! The new venue makes a world of difference. It looks so much more organized and professional. I was suprised that the parking lot was full up...lol... with all that space I was sure parking would be an easy task :p It was a bit difficult to maneuver around the show inside, I didn't get to see a fair bit of stuff, but nonetheless a big improvement!

Unfortunately we had to leave earlier than we would've liked, but still had a good day. I picked up my little axanthic Kenyan (thanks to Grant vg for the delivery) that forgot to get packed last show...lol... and a whole lot of feeder worms and some pinky mice. My biggest accomplishment... a HUGE thank you goes out to Dave (aka skinheaddave) for enabling me to hold my very first Tarantula and Arachnophyliacs for allowing me to use one of theirs for this nearly final step in conquering my phobia, as well as Aidan for bringing me his sweet rosea to hold and further accustom myself to the feel of spiders as well as answering some of my questions :D

04-18-04, 10:35 PM
Heh, Nicole is probably one of the best tarantula's to hold. She just chillaxes there on your hand or arm. Of course there may be a few webs on there after :P.


04-19-04, 04:38 AM
Excellent show!! Hats off, Grant, to you and your team. It was once again nice to meet with a few old faces and make some new acquaintances. Definitely worth the trip down from Ottawa. All the best.


04-19-04, 05:00 AM
Sounds like it was great. WIsh I could have been there though.
Still got me a Nosy Be though from Arboreal Exotics.


04-19-04, 05:30 AM
Wish i could be there. I think my next appearance will be this winter which is when i should become a regular. In the planning stages of moving from New Brunswick back to Ottawa.

JWSporty: Jim, Are you saying you went down to the show and didn't buy a new snake? I don't believe it.

Alex_33: I would love to see some pics of the Andean.

Grant: Looks like the new venue is a great success. Congrats.
Was there extra space? Are you going to be able to accomidate more tables in the future?


Scotty Allen
04-19-04, 05:37 AM
Congratulations Grant, well done. Myself and my able bodied assistants loved the fact that there are no longer any stairs to haul stuff up and down.

04-19-04, 05:47 AM
Now Brian, you don't seriously think, that I drove all the way down there and DIDN'T buy something, do you? ;)

04-19-04, 06:26 AM
Were there many milksnakes for sale?

04-19-04, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by Cruciform
The show was great :) and what a turnout!


And it was cool to finally meet a few of you :) There were other faces in the crowd I recognized or found familiar, but I feel weird going up and saying "Hi, aren't you so and so?"

Thats what Im sayin :P Everyone from SsnakesS should have to wear a name tag it would have been alot easier :P Maybe the next show :)

04-19-04, 08:24 AM
the show was great, the new venue makes it so much bigger than its been in the past. I still cant believe it was as busy as it was ALL DAY LONG, after working there for 11 hours i felt like I was going to collapse, but it was worth it.
congrats grant, it was a huge success.

04-19-04, 09:40 AM
For the future expos, if there's promo material available, like flyers or whatever, I'd be happy to stick them up in pet stores and at the college and university here in London.

It can only get bigger :)

04-19-04, 10:28 AM
I agree the new location is great. Of the last 3 locations, it's probably the easiest to get to as well.

Did anyone else find it somewhat ironic that we were selling serpents in a church basement on a Sunday?

04-19-04, 10:39 AM
fanatstic expo!
big thanx to vince for all his help, loooove my new atb!
had to force myself to leave!
i'll try to get to the store soon.
thanx again!

04-19-04, 10:39 AM
The irony depends on your religious outlook I guess :) There are a lot of very old religions that regard(ed) serpents as symbols of healing and wisdom, and protectors of the crop.

It's mostly a christian thing to despise them, and even then they have mixed representation in the christian bible. People just tend to focus on the serpent in the garden of eden.

They must have thought we were all a bunch of freaks though :)

04-19-04, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Classic
Were there many milksnakes for sale?

yup there were quite a few people selling them as far as i saw. Lol PCPC ones kept getting from there glass container to the other ones around it, pretty funny to watch.
rock on

btw did anyone see any hoggys for sale was hoping to find some red phases but no luck:( hopefully next time.

04-19-04, 11:25 AM
I had some old lady give me a dirty staredown, must of been the slipknot shirt in the church but ya, great show I cant wait tell the next one

04-19-04, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Cruciform
And it was cool to finally meet a few of you :) There were other faces in the crowd I recognized or found familiar, but I feel weird going up and saying "Hi, aren't you so and so?"

LOL Sunrunner did it!! She came right over to my table and asked if i was so and so.

04-19-04, 02:20 PM
LOL That's what I do!! Most people are like "huh? what?" :D

I went to strictly buy feeders and ended up buying a gorgeous California King from the Gillards too. Thanks Paul and Lorraine!!

04-19-04, 02:26 PM
i sadly could not go to this one,but i will be going to the one in june,theres alot of members here i cant wait to meet..
are snakes usually cheaper at the shows?

04-19-04, 02:27 PM
Almost everything is because its mostly breeders and not stores...Expo is my favourite time of the month, to bad it isnt every month...cant wait for the next one..

It was great guys, great job pcpc..and everyone who helped!

04-19-04, 02:37 PM
I had an awesome time at the show!!! :) This location is definatly a lot better. Great Job Grant, as well as everyone else who was involved in making the show a success! There were a few things that caught my eye but i settled on a Solomon Island Ground Boa from Mardy McManus of Jungle Carpets Pet store. Looking forward to seeing you all at the next expo!

04-19-04, 03:15 PM
We had a great time! I got meet Aidan (who by the way, came right up to me and said "Hi Sue"..........lol) I talked to SkinheadDave for a milli-second (;) ) and chatted with Rob from Arachnomania for a bit. Kim (Sunrunner) I believe I saw you.........did you have a long black leather coat on?..............

I got some back issues of some reptile magazines, a cute little black plastic hide, good thing I got it when I did..........The Reptile Store bought up the rest of them right after me. I also got my very first Leo.............so teeny tiny and cute.

The other couple that came with us got, a few frogs and some moss.

It was a great show!

04-19-04, 03:45 PM
It was a great show, by far the best location yet. I really liked the extra parking spaces, no need to park a block away. The new layout was quite good too; lots of space between rows.

Bought way too many feeders, and ended up having to cook most of my frozen food to make room for them in my freezer.

Can't wait for the next expo!

04-19-04, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by sleddergirl
Kim (Sunrunner) I believe I saw you.........did you have a long black leather coat on?..............

That was me.... you should have come over and said hello :P
Ladyhawk I knew you from selling to you before :)
Im tellin ya next time NAME TAGS :P

04-19-04, 04:38 PM
Well, I have to agree with everyone, this was the best show ever. Great new location. I didn't do too well on the selling part but came home way over my head in debt with a few new beauties.
Got a beautiful new blue tongue male from John, what a wonderful gift anyone could give me.
I got a pair of beautiful dragons from Megan and ICULizards, got another spectaular girl from Capital Dragons, Thanks Tim!!
I also got my pair of ocellated skinks andI got a pair of 1.1 fire cresteds from someone that delivered them to the show for me. I was so upset when I got them home though, went to house them and the male freaked out and lost his tail! I didn't even touch the dang thing! I was so t'ed off. I realized they lost them easily from stess but hadn't realized they would lose it without the tail even being touched! Both male and female seem to not be used of handling they freak easily, and are nearly full grown. I hope the female does alright and the male calms down soon. They are housed separately. I also got Lars, Linda's blizzard breeder and a bliz hatchling that we have decided to name snowbell. And of course some feeders.
And now I'm awaiting some supplies by currier as well, all in all I spent over a grand after what was brought in. So, needless to say I'm broke. lol. But I still want Tim's blood. Dragon, I mean. lol.

I was so tired today at work but it was so worth the 12 hours of driving!!!

Oh, and I finally met the illusive Emily along with her black widow! EWWWW! lol
Also met Rob from Canadian feeders. What a really nice guy he is! Very friendly and sweet.
Saw some old faces and met some new people. All in all it was a blast! Hope I get out to the next one as well.

04-19-04, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Sunrunner
That was me.... you should have come over and said hello :P
Ladyhawk I knew you from selling to you before :)
Im tellin ya next time NAME TAGS :P

You were just coming in from having a smoke when I was leaving.........with my little Leo in my sweater. I agree with nametags.............would make life a little easier.:D

04-19-04, 05:39 PM
wish i could have gone. Tell me they have an atm at the new location. PLEASSSSSE Have an atm!

name tags would be a good idea. HOw could you come up with a distinguishable name tag that everybody could get no matter where they are from. I guess it wouldn't need to be too distinguishable, how many other ppl would be walking around with name tags? LOL


04-19-04, 05:45 PM
We totally need one in Ottawa. Maybe not the same magnitude, but a smaller one for the locals who are SO left out - lol.


04-19-04, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by K1LOS
wish i could have gone. Tell me they have an atm at the new location. PLEASSSSSE Have an atm!

name tags would be a good idea. HOw could you come up with a distinguishable name tag that everybody could get no matter where they are from. I guess it wouldn't need to be too distinguishable, how many other ppl would be walking around with name tags? LOL


I think if we had those "Hi My Name Is......" tags from the dollar store, we could put our screen names, then our real name in brackets. Maybe if I brought a roll or two of them, one of the vendors at the show, who is a regular here wouldn't mind people from this site going to their table to get a nametag.....? Just an idea.............:D

04-19-04, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by damzookeeper
Oh, and I finally met the illusive Emily along with her black widow! EWWWW!

Haha, tell me about the "finally" part! I've been chatting to you online since I was what, 9 years old? But yeah, it was crazy cool to meet you, and I'm sure Shelob will appreciate the kind words ;) Teehee!!

Sunrunner: I must have seen you 50 times... but I didn't bother saying hi to you since you don't even know who I am.. lol!! Ah well.. next time..

We totally need one in Ottawa. Maybe not the same magnitude, but a smaller one for the locals who are SO left out - lol.


Left out, eh? Dude, I brought my lil' Montreal tush all the way from Montreal for this show, but man, was it ever worth it!

04-19-04, 06:35 PM
LOL. My dad had told me we would to go to this one and then Saturday decided to back-out as he 'forgot'. Doesnt look like I can make it up from the next few, but I suppose as long as I have people doing my dirty work for me, there is no need. I will just be left out of the ssnakess family :(


04-19-04, 07:06 PM
Im all for the name tags!I'll be wearing one next expo for sure! Now that i think about it the thing i liked most that it wasn't 2000 degrees in there better ventillation I guess:), deffently makes it that much more enjoyable

Simon Sansom
04-19-04, 09:00 PM
Excellent show. Easily the best I've seen yet. The new venue is far superior.
Well worth the trip.

The September show will be AWESOME!


Simon R. Sansom

04-19-04, 09:41 PM
Emily, that's because you are mental.


04-19-04, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Emily-Fisher

Sunrunner: I must have seen you 50 times... but I didn't bother saying hi to you since you don't even know who I am.. lol!! Ah well.. next time..


I know who you are Emily :P Should have said hello :) and I will wear a tag for sure, I was a little upset by the end of the day because of a deal gone wrong but ah well :) can't win them all :)

And PS sledder girl I quit smoking 6 months ago I was likely just outside letting off some steam ;)

04-20-04, 04:32 AM
Wow! Great show, I just got back! I had extended my vacation until Monday night lol

I came home with two adorable ATB's from PCPC! :) Pics to come soon, I promise

It was also great to see some people. Tony L, Joey (crucified), Melly, Heather, Matt K, Nick, etc.

I can't wait until the next show :D

(Now I just have to break it to my mother that there are TWO new residences in the house, not just one.


04-20-04, 07:20 AM
Bring on the name tags,

I'd love to have a roll at my table then I could meet everybody!!
I will work on it from my end till june, Cheers all had a great day.

Mardy McManus

04-20-04, 07:40 AM
I agree with everyone else~
one of the best shows that I've been!
It was totally awesome!!

How did you mange to get your CK with $10....LOL~~
I thought that was what you had left after meeting up with me~~

Yeah I agree with the name tag stuff~
it would definately be great to finally meet some more ssnakess family members and just to chit chat a bit more~

All those talks were great!!!

Hats off to Grant and all that helped with the great show!

I agree with you!
can't wait until the Sept show!!
Oh I was trying to find you and meet up with you too...just didn't know where you were. I was with Christina and I know she knows you for sure~~ I guess I'll have to meet up with you at the next show~

04-20-04, 07:49 AM
Definately agree with everyone else.

Absolutely the best show I've been to yet.

I won't be at the June one, but DEFINATELY at the Sept. one. I'm already excited about that one. Can just imagine all the herps there :o

I'm up for wearing a nametag :)

It was awesome meeting a few new people, I actually learned alot at that show :D

04-20-04, 08:22 AM
Simon, Corey Woods was kind enough to take back some of the rats I had bought. Plus Adria is really good at talking me into buying her stuff... and of course, new snakes are already a weakness. :D

04-20-04, 12:30 PM
I saw you there too Kim, but I really doubted you knew who I was and I figured it would be weird. Next time though for sure :P


04-20-04, 01:42 PM
Geez I do follow the forums :P I know who you are Aidan as well lol.... ok it is settled then in June Name tags for all the people at the door will have to have them for the ssnakess members :)

04-20-04, 02:56 PM
I'm up for name tags too!! But I'm not sure if I'll make it to the June show... hopefully, though!

04-20-04, 02:57 PM
Yup the show is getting better and better all the time. I really enjoyed myself! I would be up for name tags as well. It would be great to get to meet some of you :)

04-20-04, 05:14 PM
LOL don't think name tags would help my case :p I know nobody believes it, but I am a very shy person when it comes to that stuff, even if you are talking directly to me and I think you might be someone I won't say squat about it :o

04-20-04, 06:08 PM
Heh, Linds you were fine with talking to me!


04-20-04, 06:11 PM
Oh, everyone will know me by my hat :P


04-20-04, 06:20 PM
LOL I'm fine once I start going (hence why I said nobody will believe me if I say I'm shy... I sort of go between the extremes :p)

04-20-04, 06:27 PM
Haha, that's interesting, I am the same way usually.


04-20-04, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by SaIiLdVaEnR
Oh, everyone will know me by my hat :P


Heh, to be honest with you, that's the only way that I recognized you! I was expecting you to arrive with some huge-arse group of friends too and so I was looking for a large group of people... then I realized that I was surrounded by one big group of people... they when I saw your hat, I realized that you only had one person with you. I was about to poke you and say "LONER!" but then I realized that I was completely alone... so instead, I just did the casual "AIDAN!" which worked too..

Yea, at this show, I only met Heather, Andrew, Deb, Aidan, Brian, Matt, Jenn, Jay, Teresa, Matt and Susan, all the other vendors, and a couple other people. I also saw Sunrunner and Linds but they were both busy talking.. so I didn't bother interrupting and now a regret it.. :(