View Full Version : A few ammie pics

04-18-04, 12:04 PM
I think they came out nice, hope you like

Big female I bought from Stav


Male I bought from Stav also



Both of them


My other male



04-18-04, 12:10 PM
Awesome! Those are some big ammies!


04-18-04, 12:38 PM
Awesome ammies! That female is HUGE!

04-18-04, 12:44 PM
Nice pair!
Ammies are bigger than people think. Some how a few years ago the word started to spread that they are a small snake. They are for sure longer then Emmies and most are equal or greater in girth for sure.

04-18-04, 10:13 PM
great pic got to love handable atb

04-18-04, 11:43 PM
Holy crap that is one big Ammie!!! Those are some kick *** corallus you have there girlfriend!! ;) :D

04-19-04, 08:27 PM
Great pics and snakes. I personally love your new male :)

Jezabel, do you weigh your snakes? I would love to see the weight on those ATBs. Just wondering in contrast to my three.

I know they are nearly impossible to weigh as they tend to slide out of whatever you put them in but if you could, I would appreciate it.


04-19-04, 09:39 PM
Thanks alot everyone for the kind words!

Ammies get big but one thing I've notice is how BIG the head of emerald get compared to amazone heads for a same sized snake! I don't see emmies for real often so I was quite impressed at Stav's house to see them.

Tony, I keep track of all my snakes weight, mostly for fun but I've started that when I had bp on hunger strike to make sure they were not losing weight. I haven't weight those to new ammie and my other pair still small, about 5ft but slender, both around 550g. I'll weight those soon. I just put them in pillow case to weight them and take off the pillow weight of the total. They're no as friendly as they look on the pics, I should make a little vids on them, but I like them that way! The had part is putting them in the pillow :eb:

04-19-04, 10:57 PM
wow thoses are some nice atb are you planning on breeding them

04-20-04, 06:38 AM
Thanks Jezabel. I have begun weighing my three with a pillow case also. Not so much because they are aggresive but they are always moving!

Once you weigh the two new ATBs, let me know. I will weigh my three again tonight.

Thanks again :)

04-20-04, 11:35 AM

Very nice pics and boas. I gotta get into those 1 day.



04-21-04, 02:48 PM
Jez i must say you have somekind of magical hands to be able to handle them without a hook or gloves! I'm quite impressed with your handling skills of really aggressive snakes like those two;)

( these guys would strike at anything moving close to the cage but she handled them here at my home when she bought them!:thumbsup: )

Good luck with them and i cant wait to see the babies;)


04-21-04, 06:39 PM
Thanks Stav and both Tony! I hope I'll have baby this year too!!!

BOAS_N_PYTHONS, I think you're moving to the USA, if you're looking for one, you'll have a biger choice of color over there. I always check The other site (KS) us classified and it's amazing how many nice one I see.

TonyL, have you weight yours? If so what are the weight? And how long are they? I mesure mine with snakemesurer program, don't know if you ever try it but if not, I'll try to search where I found it. I've test it with my blood cause they're realativly easy to mesure with a strig and it's quite accurate. Since atb are alway moving, it's the only way I've found.

04-23-04, 08:23 PM
jparker1167, the red male has breed the big female and I think she ovulate this morning.


And now the red male's breeding my red female so I keep my finger cross!!! :D :D :D


04-24-04, 12:51 AM
great to hear ill keep my finger for you too

04-25-04, 01:03 PM
Awesome looking snakes, not that I would expect any less :D Best of luck with them!