View Full Version : ok theres plenty of Ontario herpers on this site so...

04-18-04, 06:44 AM
Maybe someone can help.....

Ok so seein as crocodilians, large boids, large lizards and hots are high on my list of must have species it's hard to find a place to live and keep these guys legally.

Instead of tellin me where I can't live, can anyone tell me where I CAN?? :rolleyes:
I'm lookin to move to a place in southern Ontario and I really would like to only move somewhere where such pets are legal cuz I don't wanna risk getting fines, jail time, having them taken away or worse, them euthanized and all of the above.

I mean c'mon there's gotta be some legal hot keepers in Ontario right? o> ;)
So c'mon where could I move to? :) I really don't want to part with any of my herps as I'm quite attached to them... :(

So any suggestions greatly appreciated!

04-18-04, 07:03 AM
try this page



04-18-04, 10:32 AM
Paris ontario which is where i live most of the time doesn't have
any bylaws as far as exotic pets... at least that i know of, all of
the bylaws in Brant County say that its only within the city limits
of Brantford. We haven't had a problem yet, plus there is a nice amount of forest near us to do some herping..=)

04-18-04, 02:22 PM
Thanks for the link but it wasn't any help because all that site does is list places where I pretty much can't live. :rolleyes:

Thanks so much for your reply, that's exactly what I was lookin to read! You'll be recieving a PM shortly. :)

C'mon guys, there's gotta be more cities out there than just this one. Anyone else? :)

04-18-04, 06:53 PM
If that list of places where it is not legal to keep the above species then just move anywhere not listed. Pretty simple no?

04-18-04, 06:55 PM
LoL I wish it were that simple, they don't list all cities where they're illegal, not even close. :p

04-18-04, 08:05 PM
i would checkout Port Perry. We moved up here a couple of years ago and they told us we could have whatever we wanted..We have crocodilians, large boids, large lizards...


Scotty & Les

04-18-04, 08:18 PM
Awesome! Thanks I'll check it out. :)

04-19-04, 09:45 AM
If I have my way St. Thomas will be getting rid of their ridiculous reptile by-laws. That's going to take a while, if it even works though :(

Jonathan Crowe
04-19-04, 01:51 PM
I maintain the laws page. The site is incomplete because it's based on reader submissions. If you know the by-laws in your area -- and I mean <em>know</em> them -- send them in and I'll list them.

A list of places where it's legal to keep venomous would not be helpful. Municipalities that don't have laws banning venomous snakes aren't saying that they're legal, they just haven't run into the problem yet. If a town found out it was on a list of legal-to-keep-hots places, it would ban them pretty fast, I guarantee you.