View Full Version : fish for turt

04-17-04, 10:00 PM
my friend has a Zebra Danio that she doesn't want any more (its beating up her other fish so she wants it to be fed to something) she askd if i wanted it to feed to my big red belly. i dont want to give him any thing that would be bad for him so i was wondering if its safe to feed him, believe me, even if its bad he'd eat it, if you gave him rocks hed probably eat them.

04-18-04, 12:10 AM
Kinda sad pawning an animal off because it's doing something they don't approve of..
Especially an animal that can be easily housed in a 10g tank..
With that note, yes it will be fine as food.. If it is caught.

04-18-04, 12:15 AM
yeah i agree, she also gave me all her snails because they wouldn't stop reproducing and she wanted them to be eaten (a benefit to me, i'm now raising them and my turtles LOVE them) but she doesn't want the fish and probably doesn't have another tank to put it in which she would probably do so i will take it and let my turt have a little treat, thanks for the help

04-18-04, 01:02 AM
What if the minnow beats up the turtle? heh

04-18-04, 09:25 AM
lol well then that will be a heck of a site. i imagine my turtle ripping him to shreds because hes got a higher feeding response than even my red tail boas. that or he'll try to mate with it which he does to his own poo =P

04-18-04, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by KrokadilyanGuy3
What if the minnow beats up the turtle? heh

Actually, I have a 2" convict cichlid that terrorises any turtle. Some of the turts are actually afraid of it. I had to house it seperately b/c it's too agressive. Maybe I should get an ally snapper and see how that goes. :D :D


04-18-04, 02:11 PM
lol! that fish wouldn't have a split second to think about terrorising an aligator snapper.

04-18-04, 02:26 PM
I've got a couple of snakes I no longer need. Should I feed them to my kingsnake?

04-18-04, 02:57 PM
I have a few students that I don't need, maybe I can eat them.:D


04-18-04, 03:49 PM
i'm sure you all are just joking and kidding around about the fish thing, but i dont want the fish, she doesnt want the fish, no one else wants it. if some one actually wanted it as a pet i'd let them have it instead of feeding it off. but if no one wants it, it will serve as a good treat to my turtle-variety in diet, something turtles need.

04-19-04, 12:17 AM
I've got a couple of snakes I no longer need. Should I feed them to my kingsnake?

Why not?

04-19-04, 03:34 PM
ok guys, forget about the fish. my friend said it was acting really weird last night, she tried to help it but by morning it was dead. she really has no idea what happend to it. poor turtle doesn't get a little fishy treat any more...oh well, he'll live.

04-19-04, 05:18 PM
JJ, I have a few places for your students.. It'll save me some money =)

The fish was violently beaten up by the other fishes..
Last night, it was scared, it heard the rumor going around the tank and early this morning.. Well..
I've seen this before, horrible.

04-19-04, 06:23 PM
lol, actually he was beating up the other fish remember? thats why she didn't want him, he was chewing up the tails on her guppies real bad.